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online private source control system

I am looking for a private online source control system. Basically what I want is a private version of Google Code or SourceForge. Private in the sense that only me and the person I invite can view the source code. The source code in the source control should not be exposed to search engines or other people without the proper viewing rights.

I prefer to hold the source code on other servers, not on my machine. I don't want to handle all the database maintenance and backup and things like that. In exchange for this I don't mind to pay a monthly access fee for this.

Any ideas?

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Graviton Avatar asked Oct 19 '08 12:10


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1 Answers

Atlassian's BitBucket just announced Git repositories last week. Bit bucket allows unlimited private repositories for free. You need to pay if you want more than 5 users.

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mithun Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09
