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OnItemClickListener on a ListView inside a Fragment not working

EDIT: SOLVED. If there's anything focusable in the XML of the items, it will break the touch of the list, in other words, android:focusable=false to all the checkboxes, switches or anything like that of ur list. And done =)

Ok so, here's my problem.

I wrote a app that uses tabs and fragments, and it all goes the way I want except for the thing that when I try to capture a onItemClick on a listView it does not even mark the row as touched/pressed/selected.

I've been reading a little bit about and many people have the same issue, but I did not found any responses that helped me at all.

I don't want to implement a ListFragment, in fact I don't even know how/why I should, and since all my code is already working, I don't know if implementing one will give me much more work to do, so, here it is:

Is it possible to implement a listener for a click on a listView, inside a fragment? and if it is, HOW?

PD: minSDK=14, tatgetSDK=15

like image 552
Dunnow Avatar asked Feb 15 '13 17:02


2 Answers

Just put


in layout. For all textviews,buttons etc.

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Ashwin S Ashok Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 21:10

Ashwin S Ashok

Here's a code snippet that'll do what you want.

ListView lv;

//code to get the listView instance using findViewByID etc

lv.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener()
    @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> arg0, View arg1,int position, long arg3)
        Toast.makeText(EnclosingActivity.this, "Stop Clicking me", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

People usually trip on this, see if you have got this covered:

All clicks and call backs (eg: the menu/actionbar callbacks) are sent to the activity the fragment is bound to, so they must be in the activity class and not the fragment class.

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Dheeraj Bhaskar Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 21:10

Dheeraj Bhaskar