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OneNote API is not returning new pages (even via ms graph explorer)

I'm a creator of an app that integrates with OneNote API via Microsoft graph SDKs for Android/iOS. Several of my users reported that the new OneNote notes stopped syncing with the app (hundreds more affected by this).

I've been debugging this. And I can confirm that OneNote API does not return new pages. To reproduce:

1) create some new notes

2) go to Graph Explorer (https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/graph-explorer/)

3) user basic query (https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/onenote/pages)

New pages are not being returned, even after a few days. My app uses the same endpoint to get the latest pages.

I would appreciate it if someone could look into this. I can provide all the data needed to debug.

Side Note: The official OneNote app sees the notes correctly (on both iOS and Android).


MS Graph Explorer started showing notes which were added 5 days ago (our users report the same). So it seems like a very long delay in propagating the data (the official OneNote app syncs new pages almost instantly). It would be great to get a response from OneNote team on this.

Looks like similar issue was reported 2 years ago

Is there a way to overcome lag between changes in OneNote client and API results?

Tested with "FavorDataRecency" header but still no results.

UPDATE 2 (05.02.2020) The new notes stopped showing up completely (tested even after a few weeks time). What is interesting is that if I create a new section the section pops up from the API endpoint immediately (just name, without notes).

like image 743
AndroidGecko Avatar asked Jan 21 '20 08:01


1 Answers

We believe this issue has been resolved. It was a bad machine cluster on our end that was causing the jobs to get stuck and hence the delay. Let us know. Thanks!

like image 114
Manjusha Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 15:11
