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One to many relationship in MyBatis

I'm trying to use MyBatis to map a one to many relationship in my data model. This is based on the following classes:

class Team{
    String mId;
    String mName;
    List<Player> mPlayers;

class Player{
    String mId;
    String mName;

I would like to write a query that returns a list of matches, each populated with the tags that correspond to that match.

<select id="getTeams" resultType="Team" resultMap="TeamMap">
    SELECT id, name, players.id as player_id, players.name as player_name
    FROM teams
    JOIN players ON teams.id = players.team_id

<resultMap type="Team" id="TeamMap">
    <id property="mId" column="id"/>
    <result property="mName" column="name"/>

    <collection property="mTags" javaType="List" ofType="Player">
        <id property="player_id" column="mId"/>
        <result property="player_name" column="mName"/>


But the problem I'm having with this is that each Team object is only populated with a single Player. How can I change this to ensure that each team contains all players that belong to it?

like image 246
spacitron Avatar asked Oct 15 '15 14:10


2 Answers

I've tried to follow this question and I've created a One-to-Many relationship in Mybatis using Annotations. Following is my code,


@Select("SELECT teamId, name FROM TEAM")
    @Results(value = {
        @Result(property="teamId", column = "teamId"),
        @Result(property="name", column = "name"),
        @Result(property="players", column="teamId", javaType= List.class, many=@Many(select="selectPlayers"))
public List<Team> getAllTeams();

@Select("SELECT * FROM PLAYER WHERE teamId = #{teamId}")
        @Result(property="playerId", column ="playerId" ),
        @Result(property="name", column = "name")
List<Player> selectPlayers(String teamId);

My Team.java:

public class Team {

    private Long teamId;
    private String name;
    private List<Player> players;

    //...getters and setters



public class Player {

    private Long playerId;
    private String name;
    private Team team;

    //...getter and setters



  `teamId` bigint(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`teamId`)


CREATE TABLE `player` (
  `playerId` bigint(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `teamId` bigint(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`playerId`),
  KEY `FK_TEAM_ID` (`teamId`),


private UserMapper userMapper;

/* Get the list of teams with players data */
List<Team> teams = userMapper.getAllTeams();

Hope this serves useful for future readers.

like image 104
Lucky Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 22:09


Found the solution. All I had to do was change the player_id mapping in the collection from "id" to "result".

like image 26
spacitron Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 21:09
