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One-time binding with filter

I'll migrate my angularjs application from 1.2.0 to 1.3.0-rc2 and I want to change my code from bindonce to the new one-time binding.IS also used angular-translation. I write the follow code:

<span data-ng-bind="::'COMMENT'|translate" />
 <img src="shareBlack.png" alt="{{::'SHARE'|translate}}" data-ng-attr-title="::'SHARE'|translate" data-ng-click="startShare()" />

But in Batarang I can see the follow watch expressions:

{{::'SHARE'|translate}} | 3.59% | 17.00ms
::'COMMENT'|translate | 2.95% | 14.00ms

What I did wrong?

EDIT in the previous version 1.2.0 with bindonce I have the following code:

<div class="box-container" bindonce>
       <span data-bo-text="'FEED_ALLOWED_COMMENTS'|translate"/>
like image 584
Abraham Avatar asked Sep 18 '14 10:09


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2 Answers

Just came across this question and the following possible answer while confronted to the same issue:

try :



like image 194
vgrafe Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 19:10


Now you can do it throw this extension:


translate-once directive makes use of the link function and the asynchronous resolver of $translate(). The directive’s link function takes the translation key, looks it up asynchronously with $translate(), and once resolved, writes it to the element.

like image 45
Salva Bordas Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 18:10

Salva Bordas