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One click handler for multiple elements?



I'm looking to add a click handler to a div. But is there a way to use a single click handler function and share it between multiple divs? Since I may have 100 divs, I don't want to create a click handler for each (they'll all practically do the same thing). The jquery example shows:

$("p").click(function () { 

can we do something like:


function myClickHandler(source) {


like image 888
user246114 Avatar asked Jun 13 '10 17:06


People also ask

Can you have multiple click handlers?

Both handlers will run, the jQuery event model allows multiple handlers on one element, therefore a later handler does not override an older handler. The handlers will execute in the order in which they were bound.

Can you add eventListener to multiple elements?

Adding event listener to multiple elementsTo add the event listener to the multiple elements, first we need to access the multiple elements with the same class name or id using document. querySelectorAll() method then we need to loop through each element using the forEach() method and add an event listener to it.

Can multiple event handlers be added to a single element?

You can add many event handlers to one element. You can add many event handlers of the same type to one element, i.e two "click" events. You can add event listeners to any DOM object not only HTML elements.

2 Answers

jQuery's .delegate() method is a great way to go if you don't want the overhead of hundreds of click events.

It assigns one event to a container, which gets fired when the specified descendants of the container get the event.

Test the example: https://jsfiddle.net/jYKgm/210/


<div id="container">  // #container has the event handler assigned


   // The click event handler will fire when <div> elements  
   //   that descend from #container get clicked.
$('#container').delegate('div', 'click', function() {
    alert('index ' + $(this).index() + ' was clicked');

This will assign one handler to the #container element, and make it so that any descendant div elements will trigger the handler.

So if there are 500 descendant div elements, they will all share the one event handler.

​ - .delegate() - http://api.jquery.com/delegate

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user113716 Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 02:09


For users running newer versions of jQuery (1.7 or later), you can try the .on() function.

Reusing the HTML example scenario in a different answer:

<div id="container">  // #container has the event handler assigned

The jQuery would simply be:

$('div#container').on('click', 'div', function() { alert('Hi Mom!'); });

The code looks very similar to that used for the .delegate() example.

I encountered a situation where we were searching for all <a> tags and applying special click events. For pages with hundreds of <a> tags, it was taking seconds to run the jQuery. Switching to the .on() function applied to the body tag shaved the time down to almost nothing.

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GoldDragonTSU Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 02:09
