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OnClick radio button show hide div angular js



My code is ,

  <form name="myForm" ng-controller="Ctrl">
      <input type="radio" ng-model="color" value="red">  Red <br/>
      <input type="radio" ng-model="color" ng-value="specialValue"> Green <br/>
      <input type="radio" ng-model="color" value="blue"> Blue <br/>

  <div id="reddiv">Red Selected</div>
  <div id="greendiv">Green Selected</div>
  <div id="bluediv">Blue Selected</div>

my script is

function Ctrl($scope) {
    $scope.color = 'blue';
    if ($scope.color == 'blue') {
        //blue div show
    else if($scope.color == 'green') {
        //green div show
    else {
        //red div show

i need to show based on radio button click , I tried a piece of code above i given , any idea

like image 308
Steve Bals Avatar asked Jan 28 '14 08:01

Steve Bals

1 Answers

You are trying to change the view directly from your controller. This is not the angular way. Pull the model state from the view out of the controller. For example:

<div ng-show="color == 'red'">Red Selected</div>
<div ng-show="color == 'green'">Green Selected</div>
<div ng-show="color == 'blue'">Blue Selected</div>
like image 140
michael Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 11:09
