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onChange event doesn't trigger

I use Internet Explorer 8 and Sharepoint 2007.

Briefing: I have a NewForm with various fields from a list. I need, using javascript, from one of the fields, to get the value introduced by the user (in a textBox) and paste it on other field (other textBox) in the same page, using onChange.

Problem: I'm a JavaScript newbie, and I can't set the event 'onChange' to trigger my function, or at least to trigger an 'alert("Test") ... or simply I'm doing it wrong and don't know why (more likely)...

Let's assume the field I want to work with has as FieldName="IDTeam", type="text" and id="id_TeamField".

//My JS below "PlaceHolderMain"


function setTxtBoxesValues()

   getField('text','IDTeam').onChange = function(){alert('Test')}; 
   //"getField('text', 'IDTeam).onChange = function(){myFunction()};" 
   //If I want to call myFunction() when onChange event is triggered    

Also, instead of getField, tried this:

document.getElementById('id_TeamField').onChange = function(){alert('Test')};

If I want to call myFunction() when onChange event is triggered

Any idea of what I'm doing wrong?

like image 252
Mayer M Avatar asked Jun 08 '12 16:06

Mayer M

People also ask

Why is Onchange not working?

onchange is not fired when the value of an input is changed. It is only changed when the input's value is changed and then the input is blurred. What you'll need to do is capture the keypress event when fired in the given input. Then you'll test the value of the input against the value before it was keypressed.

What triggers Onchange event?

The onchange event occurs when the value of an element has been changed. For radiobuttons and checkboxes, the onchange event occurs when the checked state has been changed.

What is the difference between Onchange and Oninput?

The difference is that the oninput event occurs immediately after the value of an element has changed, while onchange occurs when the element loses focus, after the content has been changed.

Is Onchange an event handler?

The onchange property of an Input object specifies an event-handler function that is invoked when the user changes the value displayed by a form element.

1 Answers

onchange is an event so either you put it in the tag like this:

<input type="text" id="IDTeam" onchange="(call function here)" />

or you apply addEventListener to that DOM object:

document.getElementById("IDTeam").addEventListener("change", function() {//call function here});

in IE6 you may need: (not sure if it works as few people are using ie6 nowadays)

document.getElementById("IDTeam").attachEvent("onchange", function() {//call function here} )
like image 108
NSF Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 09:10