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O(n) time non-recursive procedure to traverse a binary tree

I'm reading a book called "Introduction to algorithms". I think many of you know it. I just bumped into a question which seems rather difficult:

Write an O(n)-time nonrecursive procedure that, given an n-node binary tree, prints out the key of each node. Use no more than constant extra space outside of the tree itself and do not modify the tree, even temporarily, during the procedure.

I saw that there is another question like this: How to traverse a binary tree in O(n) time without extra memory but the main difference is that I can't modify the tree. I was thinking of using some visited flag but I haven't distilled a right solution yet. It's maybe something obvious I don't see. How would you devise an algirithm which solves this problem? Even some pointers to the answer would be appreciated.

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Adam Arold Avatar asked Jun 14 '12 17:06

Adam Arold

People also ask

Can you traverse a binary tree without recursion?

Using Morris Traversal, we can traverse the tree without using stack and recursion. The idea of Morris Traversal is based on Threaded Binary Tree. In this traversal, we first create links to Inorder successor and print the data using these links, and finally revert the changes to restore original tree.

How do you traverse a tree without recursion?

1) Create an empty stack S. 2) Initialize current node as root 3) Push the current node to S and set current = current->left until current is NULL 4) If current is NULL and stack is not empty then a) Pop the top item from stack. b) Print the popped item, set current = popped_item->right c) Go to step 3.

What is the time complexity of traversing a binary tree?

In general, time complexity is O(h) where h is height of BST. Insertion: For inserting element 0, it must be inserted as left child of 1. Therefore, we need to traverse all elements (in order 3, 2, 1) to insert 0 which has worst case complexity of O(n). In general, time complexity is O(h).

What are the traversing procedures of a binary tree?

There are basically three traversal techniques for a binary tree that are, Preorder traversal. Inorder traversal. Postorder traversal.

1 Answers

If the tree is linked in both directions, you can do this:

assert root.parent is null

now, old = root, null
while now != null:
    print now.label
    if leaf(now):
        now, old = now.parent, now
        if old == now.right:
            now, old = now.parent, now
        if old == now.left:
            now, old = now.right, now            
        if old == now.parent:
            now, old = now.left, now

This prints in root, left, right order, but you can get any order you like.

I don't think you can do it if the tree is only linked in one direction. You could have a look at Deforestation.

like image 146
Thomas Ahle Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 06:09

Thomas Ahle