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On Scroll change dropdown menu drop position




Can this be achieved by only modifying the class of the <ui> <li> custom dropdown menu? By just modifying the top, left, right, bottom part and nothing else? Or is there some special magic, if anyone knows a tutorial please share with me. I've been unable to find some on the Internet, thanks a lot.


enter image description here


<div class="container">
<ul class="menu openDown">
    <li>Option 1</li>
    <li>Option 2</li>
    <li>Option 3</li>
    <li>Option 4</li>
    <li>Option 5</li>

Here's a fiddle:


EDIT: This MUST be modified on scroll, detecting if the user scrolled down or up, and based on scroll amount, modify the class of the menu to either point up or down. Thanks!

EDIT: This post is NOT duplicate since the link (Drop-down menu that opens up/upward with pure css), is very different from this one, I want the menu drop direction to depend on the amount of scroll either up/down by the user, meaning determine scroll position and modify the class to either drop the menu up/down. In the Stackoverflow link give this isn't achieved and it's pure CSS hover based, meaning you'd use it in ".no-js" form.

EDIT: Two snippets, not sure if this might help you folks figure it out.

var menuHeight = $(this).parent().find('.menu').innerHeight();

$(window).scroll(function () {
            var fromTop = $(this).scrollTop() + menuHeight;

EDIT: The bounty is still open, if someone knows any tutorial or how to achieve this, share your answer, and you will get 50 in reputation points.

like image 689
John Smith Avatar asked Jun 21 '14 15:06

John Smith

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1 Answers

Edit 2 (see comments)

After discussing with the OP, here's what was wanted:

  1. Create a class that reverses the dropdown
  2. When opening the dropdown, calculate the position of the inner list in the window
  3. depending on that position (is the button above or below the middle of the browser window), apply the reversed class.


[This is made for bootstrap, edit the class to match your needs]

.reverse {


    // get the scollTop (distance scrolled from top)
    var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
    // get the top offset of the dropdown (distance from top of the page)
    var topOffset = $(".dropdown").offset().top;
    // calculate the dropdown offset relative to window position
    var relativeOffset = topOffset-scrollTop;
    // get the window height
    var windowHeight = $(window).height();
    // if the relative offset is greater than half the window height,
    // reverse the dropdown.
    if(relativeOffset > windowHeight/2){

Same goes for this, this will work on a bootstrap dropdown, so you'll need to update the selectors if you want to use another framework.

The idea is to calculate the difference between the top offset of the element and the current scrollTop, then add the reverse class to the inner ul depending on the comparison between that value and the middle of the page.


EDIT 1 (see comments)

As per requested, here's how I tweaked things around a bit.

N.B. This uses Twitter Bootstrap, both for styling and markup and for javascript, but it is by no means necessary and can be recreated without too much hassle.


As asked, I added two reverse-toggle elements to the dropdown, (one at the beginning, the other at the end).

<li role="presentation" class="reverse-toggle top-reverse hidden"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="javascript:void(0)">Reverse towards top</a></li>

The important part here is the reverse-toggle top-reverse classes. The rest is Bootstrap markup.

It is also important to add the javascript:void(0) to the a element, if this isn't added the dropdown will close when the buttons are clicked.


As stated earlier, the only important rules here are those given by the .reverse class. This class will be applied to the ul containing the dropdown and is responsible for the reversed state.

.reverse {
    top: auto;


$(window).scroll(function () {
    // if the dropdown is "high enough" on the page, show the toggle commands
    if(($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() > $(document).height() - 256)){
            // if the dropdown is already reversed


The JS here does the two following things:

  1. If the page is scrolled, depending on the page position (first if) and the state of the dropdown (second if, either reverse or not), the correct button is shown in the dropdown.
  2. If one of the reverse-toggle buttons is clicked, the dropdown ul changes states.



Original answer

My solution works the following way:

  1. Create a reverse class that specifies the dropdown location (in twitter bootstrap, that class contains only top:auto; and bottom:100%)
  2. Add that class or remove it depending on the scrollTop() value.

It can pretty easily be ported to other frameworks assuming you find the correct class to add.

See the fiddle.

like image 89
Sir Celsius Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 23:09

Sir Celsius