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O(n) complexity algorithm to remove instances of value from unsorted list without remove() method


I have a homework question to write a function which is part of a class bagOfWords to remove instances of a value from an unsorted list. The list operations we can use don't include remove(). We need to have only O(n) complexity and the naive algorithm doesn't perform that well.

I tried a naive algorithm. This is too complex an algorithm. It uses list.pop(index) which of itself has O(n) complexity and it has two loops. Since we are not allowed to use list.remove() and because a list comprehension would have the same complexity but in a more succinct syntax, I'm trying to find a better implementation.

I thought maybe the solution was a quicksort algorithm because I might be able to do this with O(n) complexity if I first sort the list. But how would I then remove this item without the complexity of pop(index)? Now I'm wondering if searching for the pattern via a KMP algorithm would be the solution, or hashing.

 def remove(self, item):
        """Remove all copies of item from the bag. 
        Do nothing if the item doesn't occur in the bag.
        index = 0
        while index < len(self.items):
            if self.items[index] == item:
                index += 1

The complexity is quadratic. However, I want a complexity that is O(n)

Edit: to clarify, we are actually constrained to modifying an existing list.

like image 548
JVM Avatar asked Apr 01 '19 22:04


People also ask

What is the complexity of removing at index n in an unsorted array?

If the element which needs to be deleted is present in arr[0], we need to shift all the elements from index 1 to size - 1 by position to the left. So it will take N - 1 iteration. For example, if the array has 100 elements the for loop will work for 99 times. Hence the time complexity will be O(N - 1).

What is the time complexity of remove?

remove() – runs in linear O(n) time. We have to iterate the entire array to find the element qualifying for removal. indexOf() – also runs in linear time. It iterates through the internal array and checks each element one by one, so the time complexity for this operation always requires O(n) time.

What is the complexity of remove in Python?

The runtime complexity of the set. remove() function on a set with n elements is O(1). So, Python's set. remove() method has constant runtime complexity.

How do I remove a value from a list?

There are three ways in which you can Remove elements from List: Using the remove() method. Using the list object's pop() method. Using the del operator.

1 Answers

Edit: The simplest (and arguably just "correct") way to do this is to use a list comprehension:

self.items = [x for x in self.items if x != item]

It's O(n), and it's faster than the below options. It's also by far the most "pythonic".

However, it does create a new copy of the list. If you are actually constrained to modifying an existing list, here's my original answer:

Here's an "in-place" O(n) algorithm that uses two pointers to collapse the list down, removing the unwanted elements:

ixDst = 0
for ixSrc in range(0, len(items)):
  if items[ixSrc] != item:
    items[ixDst] = items[ixSrc]
    ixDst += 1
del items[ixDst:]

(See it run here)

The only questionable part is resizing the list down with del. I believe that's in-place and "should" be O(1), since the slice we're removing is at the end of the list.

Also, a more pythonic in-place answer (and a bit faster) was suggested by @chepner in the comments:

self.items[:] = (x for x in self.items if x != item)

Thanks @juanpa.arrivillaga and @chepner for the discussion.

like image 109
Blorgbeard Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 23:10
