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Offline Custom Tiled Google Map with Phonegap?

I have a custom made tile for google map. Works perfectly fine online, but when I turn off data on my phone, it just shows the loading icon, as it can't communicate with google.

As I have my own tiles, is it possible to use google maps offline with phonegap?

like image 694
Velkyr Avatar asked Nov 06 '12 16:11


1 Answers

I don't believe it is possible to use Google's API offline. However, If you have your own tiles, and have them embedded within your application archive, you could use Leaflet to render the local tiles. http://leafletjs.com/ If your custom tiles are remote (hosted on a server), then you're still not going to be able to consume them in an offline scenario.

like image 123
Andrew Trice Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 19:10

Andrew Trice