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Office 365 Graph API $top not being honoured on delta queries

The Office 365 Graph API documentation suggests that $filter and $top operations should be supported when used together on a delta query...


However, when executing a query that uses both $filter and $top such as this:


We find that the $top value is not applied and the default value of 10 results per page is used. However the $filter has been applied correctly.

When testing without the $filter statement, we find the $top value is applied as expected.

Is this a bug in the Graph API or am I misunderstanding something? Thanks in advance.

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David de-Vilder Avatar asked Apr 10 '17 12:04

David de-Vilder

People also ask

Is Microsoft Graph API a REST API?

The Microsoft Graph API is a RESTful web API that enables you to access Microsoft Cloud service resources. After you register your app and get authentication tokens for a user or service, you can make requests to the Microsoft Graph API.

1 Answers

I could not get output using $top parameter with delta.

But the optional odata.maxpagesize header mentioned in the same doc seems to be working.

You can try adding this to your request headers. Prefer:

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Rahul Kumar Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09

Rahul Kumar