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Office 365 development API like Google Docs?


Is there a Office 365 development API like Google Docs? I was searching web but I was unable to find.

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Robert Grezan Avatar asked Jul 01 '11 03:07

Robert Grezan

People also ask

Does Office 365 have something similar to Google Docs?

5. OnlyOffice Docs. Like Quip and Office 365, OnlyOffice offers a full suite of business productivity apps. It includes a collaborative document editor which can easily serve as a Google Docs alternative.

Is there a Google Docs API?

The Google Docs API lets you create and modify documents. Apps can integrate with the Docs API to create polished documents from both user and system-provided data. The API allows you to: Automate processes.

Does Microsoft Office have an API?

The Office 365 Management APIs provide a single extensibility platform for all Office 365 customers' and partners' management tasks, including service communications, security, compliance, reporting, and auditing.

1 Answers

There's an API for the Exchange part of Office 365. Lync also has an API. You can also managed Sharepoint sites via the Client Object Model, web services or WebDAV APIs for uploading and downloading files

However I don't believe there's anything for manipulating documents online outside of using WebDav to push to a sharepoint site.

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blowdart Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 05:10
