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OctoPack failing in TFS Build

I'm using Visual Studio Online with Visual Studio 2013. The build fails with

You are trying to build with OctoPack, but the NuGet targets file that OctoPack depends on is not available on this computer. This is probably because the OctoPack package has not been committed to source control, or NuGet Package Restore is not enabled

According to this link https://octopusdeploy.com/blog/octopack-3.0 I need to make some changes to get package restore working properly, but another link within the previous one says that no configuration is required if using VS2013 and Visual Studio Online Nuget.org

When I build in VS all of the packages get restored first and then the project builds. Also if I build the project and invoke Octopack via command line everything works fine. Thoughts?

like image 734
The Muffin Man Avatar asked Jul 13 '14 01:07

The Muffin Man

1 Answers

If you do run NuGet Package Restore before building, this should work. However, make sure the path in your project file referring to OctoPack.targets is correct - you might have moved your packages folder or the project file and the relative paths no longer match. Easiest way to fix it would be to run Update-Package -Reinstall Octopack.

like image 107
skolima Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 21:10
