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ocaml formatters and value restriction

EDIT: I'm sorry everyone, I thought my small examle was complete, turns out it's not. I made a new one that really should be!

As soon as I use a formatter as parameter to Scanf or Printf functions the formatter type gets bound to a in- or output-channel respectively. Is there a way to have a function take a formatter (or string) and use that as a formatter for both printing and reading?

let fmt = format_of_string "%d,%d";;
Scanf.sscanf "2,2" fmt (fun x y -> x,y);;


- : (int -> int -> int * int, Scanf.Scanning.scanbuf, '_a, (int -> int -> int * int) -> int * int, (int -> int -> int * int) -> int * int, int * int) format6 = <abstr>

Which means a subsequent Printf.printf fmt 1 2;; gives a type error. This goes for every combination of format_of_string and Scanf.format_from_string like functions I've tried.


module Thing = struct

(* Just a helper for file IO *)
type 'a result = Success of 'a | Failure of exn;;
let with_out_file filename fn =
  let out_ch = open_out filename in
  let res = try Success (fn out_ch) with
    exn -> Failure exn in
  close_out out_ch;
match res with
| Success a -> a
| Failure a -> raise a;;

(* Uses the format string for writing *)
let print (fmt : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6) fn v =
  with_out_file fn (fun x -> Printf.fprintf x fmt v);;

(* Uses the format string for reading *)
let read (fmt : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6) v =
  Scanf.sscanf v fmt (fun x -> x);;

(* Where things break *)
let both fmt v =
  read fmt "42\n";
  print fmt "tfile" v;;


Error: This expression has type ('a -> 'b, Scanf.Scanning.scanbuf, 'c, ('d -> 'd) -> 'e, ('a -> 'b) -> 'f, 'f) format6 but an expression was expected of type                                                       
     ('a -> 'b, out_channel, unit, unit, unit, unit) format6                                                                                                                                                    
   Type Scanf.Scanning.scanbuf is not compatible with type out_channel

For the last line of the both function, which seems to make sense, but if I remove the both function from the module, I can call read and print with the same format string (same variable as parameter) and it just works.

So, with hopes that you guys haven't given up on me yet; how do I get around that? neither eta-expansion nor type annotation seems to work in this case?

like image 321
Bladt Avatar asked Dec 12 '22 04:12


1 Answers

You're hitting the infamous value restriction:

# let fmt = format_of_string "%d,%d";;
val fmt : (int -> int -> '_a, '_b, '_c, '_d, '_d, '_a) format6 = <abstr>

Those '_a, '_b, '_c, '_d mean "types to be determined as soon as we can". They are not parameters, i.e., fmt is not a polymorphic value. In contrast, an empty list is polymorphic:

# let emptiness = [] ;;
val emptiness : 'a list = []

Now we have 'a and not '_a. But maybe you already know all this. The point is that when we apply Printf.printf to fmt, its type gets fixed as

(int -> int -> unit, out_channel, unit, unit, unit, unit) format6

but when we apply Scanf.sscanf to fmt its type gets fixed as

(int -> int -> int * int, Scanf.Scanning.in_channel, '_a,
(int -> int -> int * int) -> int * int,
(int -> int -> int * int) -> int * int, int * int)

These two types are not compatible, and because fmt is not polymorphic, you cannot use it both ways. The solution is simply to have two copies, fmt_in and fmt_out. Is there something unacceptable with that solution?

like image 65
Andrej Bauer Avatar answered Jan 09 '23 13:01

Andrej Bauer