Since the natural numbers support a decidable total order, the injection nat_of_ascii (a : ascii) : nat
induces a decidable total order on the type ascii
. What would be a concise, idiomatic way of expressing this in Coq? (With or without type classes, modules, etc.)
Such process is fairly routine and will depend on the library you have chosen. For order.v, based on math-comp, the process is totally mechanical [in fact, we'll develop a general construction for types with an injection to total orders later in the post]:
From Coq Require Import Ascii String ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool.
From mathcomp Require Import eqtype choice ssrnat.
Require Import order.
Import Order.Syntax.
Import Order.Theory.
Lemma ascii_of_natK : cancel nat_of_ascii ascii_of_nat.
Proof. exact: ascii_nat_embedding. Qed.
(* Declares ascii to be a member of the eq class *)
Definition ascii_eqMixin := CanEqMixin ascii_of_natK.
Canonical ascii_eqType := EqType _ ascii_eqMixin.
(* Declares ascii to be a member of the choice class *)
Definition ascii_choiceMixin := CanChoiceMixin ascii_of_natK.
Canonical ascii_choiceType := ChoiceType _ ascii_choiceMixin.
(* Specific stuff for the order library *)
Definition ascii_display : unit. Proof. exact: tt. Qed.
Open Scope order_scope.
(* We use the order from nat *)
Definition lea x y := nat_of_ascii x <= nat_of_ascii y.
Definition lta x y := ~~ (lea y x).
Lemma lea_ltNeq x y : lta x y = (x != y) && (lea x y).
rewrite /lta /lea leNgt negbK lt_neqAle.
by rewrite (inj_eq (can_inj ascii_of_natK)).
Lemma lea_refl : reflexive lea.
Proof. by move=> x; apply: le_refl. Qed.
Lemma lea_trans : transitive lea.
Proof. by move=> x y z; apply: le_trans. Qed.
Lemma lea_anti : antisymmetric lea.
Proof. by move=> x y /le_anti /(can_inj ascii_of_natK). Qed.
Lemma lea_total : total lea.
Proof. by move=> x y; apply: le_total. Qed.
(* We can now declare ascii to belong to the order class. We must declare its
subclasses first. *)
Definition asciiPOrderMixin :=
POrderMixin lea_ltNeq lea_refl lea_anti lea_trans.
Canonical asciiPOrderType := POrderType ascii_display ascii asciiPOrderMixin.
Definition asciiLatticeMixin := Order.TotalLattice.Mixin lea_total.
Canonical asciiLatticeType := LatticeType ascii asciiLatticeMixin.
Canonical asciiOrderType := OrderType ascii lea_total.
Note that providing an order instance for ascii
gives us access to a large theory of total orders, plus operators, etc..., however the definition of total itself is fairly simple:
"<= is total" == x <= y || y <= x
where <= is a "decidable relation" and we assume, of course, decidability of equality for the particular type. Concretely, for an arbitrary relation:
Definition total (T: Type) (r : T -> T -> bool) := forall x y, r x y || r y x.
so if T
is and order, and satisfies total
, you are done.
More generally, you can define a generic principle to build such types using injections:
Section InjOrder.
Context {display : unit}.
Local Notation orderType := (orderType display).
Variable (T : orderType) (U : eqType) (f : U -> T) (f_inj : injective f).
Open Scope order_scope.
Let le x y := f x <= f y.
Let lt x y := ~~ (f y <= f x).
Lemma CO_le_ltNeq x y: lt x y = (x != y) && (le x y).
Proof. by rewrite /lt /le leNgt negbK lt_neqAle (inj_eq f_inj). Qed.
Lemma CO_le_refl : reflexive le. Proof. by move=> x; apply: le_refl. Qed.
Lemma CO_le_trans : transitive le. Proof. by move=> x y z; apply: le_trans. Qed.
Lemma CO_le_anti : antisymmetric le. Proof. by move=> x y /le_anti /f_inj. Qed.
Definition InjOrderMixin : porderMixin U :=
POrderMixin CO_le_ltNeq CO_le_refl CO_le_anti CO_le_trans.
End InjOrder.
Then, the ascii
instance gets rewritten as follows:
Definition ascii_display : unit. Proof. exact: tt. Qed.
Definition ascii_porderMixin := InjOrderMixin (can_inj ascii_of_natK).
Canonical asciiPOrderType := POrderType ascii_display ascii ascii_porderMixin.
Lemma lea_total : @total ascii (<=%O)%O.
Proof. by move=> x y; apply: le_total. Qed.
Definition asciiLatticeMixin := Order.TotalLattice.Mixin lea_total.
Canonical asciiLatticeType := LatticeType ascii asciiLatticeMixin.
Canonical asciiOrderType := OrderType ascii lea_total.
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