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Observing an NSMutableArray for insertion/removal

A class has a property (and instance var) of type NSMutableArray with synthesized accessors (via @property). If you observe this array using:

[myObj addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"theArray" options:0 context:NULL];

And then insert an object in the array like this:

[myObj.theArray addObject:NSString.string];

An observeValueForKeyPath... notification is not sent. However, the following does send the proper notification:

[[myObj mutableArrayValueForKey:@"theArray"] addObject:NSString.string];

This is because mutableArrayValueForKey returns a proxy object that takes care of notifying observers.

But shouldn't the synthesized accessors automatically return such a proxy object? What's the proper way to work around this--should I write a custom accessor that just invokes [super mutableArrayValueForKey...]?

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Adam Ernst Avatar asked Nov 19 '08 15:11

Adam Ernst

4 Answers

But shouldn't the synthesized accessors automatically return such a proxy object?


What's the proper way to work around this--should I write a custom accessor that just invokes [super mutableArrayValueForKey...]?

No. Implement the array accessors. When you call these, KVO will post the appropriate notifications automatically. So all you have to do is:

[myObject insertObject:newObject inTheArrayAtIndex:[myObject countOfTheArray]]; 

and the Right Thing will happen automatically.

For convenience, you can write an addTheArrayObject: accessor. This accessor would call one of the real array accessors described above:

- (void) addTheArrayObject:(NSObject *) newObject {     [self insertObject:newObject inTheArrayAtIndex:[self countOfTheArray]]; } 

(You can and should fill in the proper class for the objects in the array, in place of NSObject.)

Then, instead of [myObject insertObject:…], you write [myObject addTheArrayObject:newObject].

Sadly, add<Key>Object: and its counterpart remove<Key>Object: are, last I checked, only recognized by KVO for set (as in NSSet) properties, not array properties, so you don't get free KVO notifications with them unless you implement them on top of accessors it does recognize. I filed a bug about this: x-radar://problem/6407437

I have a list of all the accessor selector formats on my blog.

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Peter Hosey Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 08:09

Peter Hosey

I would not use willChangeValueForKey and didChangeValueForKey in this situation. For one, they're meant to indicate the value at that path has changed, not that values in a to-many relationship are changing. You would want to use willChange:valuesAtIndexes:forKey: instead, if you did it this way. Even so, using manual KVO notifications like this is bad encapsulation. A better way of doing it is defining a method addSomeObject: in the class that actually owns the array, which would include the manual KVO notifications. This way, outside methods that are adding objects to the array don't need to worry about handling the array owner's KVO as well, which wouldn't be very intuitive and could lead to unneeded code and possibly bugs if you start adding objects to the array from several places.

In this example I would actually continue to use mutableArrayValueForKey:. I'm not positive with mutable arrays, but I believe from reading the documentation that this method actually replaces the entire array with a new object, so if performance is a concern you'll also want to implement insertObject:in<Key>AtIndex: and removeObjectFrom<Key>AtIndex: in the class that owns the array.

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Marc Charbonneau Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 08:09

Marc Charbonneau

when you just want to observe the count changed, you may use an aggregate key path:

[myObj addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"theArray.@count" options:0 context:NULL];

but be aware that any reordering in theArray will not fire.

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berbie Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 08:09


Your own answer to your own question is almost right. Don't vend theArray externally. Instead, declare a different property, theMutableArray, corresponding to no instance variable, and write this accessor:

- (NSMutableArray*) theMutableArray {
    return [self mutableArrayValueForKey:@"theArray"];

The result is that other objects can use thisObject.theMutableArray to make changes to the array, and these changes trigger KVO.

The other answers pointing out that efficiency is increased if you also implement insertObject:inTheArrayAtIndex: and removeObjectFromTheArrayAtIndex: are still correct. But there is no need for other objects to have to know about these or call them directly.

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matt Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 08:09
