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Objective c implement method which takes array of arguments


Does anybody know how to implement an method in objective c that will take an array of arguments as parameter such as:

[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"A",@"B",nil];

The method declaration for this method is:

+ (id)arrayWithObjects:(id)firstObj...

I can't seem to make such method on my own. I did the following:

+ (void) doSometing:(id)string manyTimes:(NSInteger)numberOfTimes;

[SomeClass doSometing:@"A",@"B",nil manyTimes:2];

It will give the warningtoo many arguments to function 'doSometing:manyTimes:'

Thanks already.

like image 340
Mats Stijlaart Avatar asked Mar 10 '11 14:03

Mats Stijlaart

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To pass an array to the function we can declare a formal parameter as a pointer. Example: ObjectiveC.

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You can pass arrays to a method just like normal variables. When we pass an array to a method as an argument, actually the address of the array in the memory is passed (reference). Therefore, any changes to this array in the method will affect the array.

1 Answers

The ellipsis (...) is inherited from C; you can use it only as the final argument in a call (and you've missed out the relevant comma in your example). So in your case you'd probably want:

+ (void)doSomethingToObjects:(id)firstObject, ...;

or, if you want the count to be explicit and can think of a way of phrasing it well:

+ (void)doManyTimes:(NSInteger)numberOfTimes somethingToObjects:(id)firstObject, ...;

You can then use the normal C methods for dealing with ellipses, which reside in stdarg.h. There's a quick documentation of those here, example usage would be:

+ (void)doSomethingToObjects:(id)firstObject, ...
    id object;
    va_list argumentList;

    va_start(argumentList, firstObject);
    object = firstObject;

        if(!object) break; // we're using 'nil' as a list terminator

        [self doSomethingToObject:object];
        object = va_arg(argumentList, id);


EDIT: additions, in response to comments. You can't pass the various things handed to you in an ellipsis to another function that takes an ellipsis due to the way that C handles function calling (which is inherited by Objective-C, albeit not obviously so). Instead you tend to pass the va_list. E.g.

+ (NSString *)doThis:(SEL)selector makeStringOfThat:(NSString *)format, ...
    // do this
    [self performSelector:selector];

    // make string of that...

    // get the argument list
    va_list argumentList;
    va_start(argumentList, format);

    // pass it verbatim to a suitable method provided by NSString
    NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:format arguments:argumentList];

    // clean up

    // and return, as per the synthetic example
    return [string autorelease];
like image 100
Tommy Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 08:11
