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Object not found error when passing model formula to another function




I have a weird problem with R that I can't seem to work out.

I've tried to write a function that performs K-fold cross validation for a model chosen by the stepwise procedure in R. (I'm aware of the issues with stepwise procedures, it's purely for comparison purposes) :)

Now the issue is, that if I define the function parameters (linmod,k,direction) and run the contents of the function, it works flawlessly. BUT, if I run it as a function, I get an error saying the datas.train object can't be found.

I've tried stepping through the function with debug() and the object clearly exists, but R says it doesn't when I actually run the function. If I just fit a model using lm() it works fine, so I believe it's a problem with the step function in the loop, while inside a function. (try commenting out the step command, and set the predictions to those from the ordinary linear model.)

lm.cars <- lm(mpg~.,data=mtcars,x=TRUE,y=TRUE)

cv.step <- function(linmod,k=10,direction="both"){
  response <- linmod$y
  dmatrix <- linmod$x
  n <- length(response)
  datas <- linmod$model
  form <- formula(linmod$call)

  # generate indices for cross validation
  rar <- n/k
  xval.idx <- list()
  s <- sample(1:n, n) # permutation of 1:n
  for (i in 1:k) {
    xval.idx[[i]] <- s[(ceiling(rar*(i-1))+1):(ceiling(rar*i))]

  #error calculation
  errors <- R2 <- 0

  for (j in 1:k){
     datas.test <- datas[xval.idx[[j]],]
       datas.train <- datas[-xval.idx[[j]],]
       test.idx <- xval.idx[[j]]

       #THE MODELS+
       lm.1 <- lm(form,data= datas.train)
       lm.step <- step(lm.1,direction=direction,trace=0)

      step.pred <- predict(lm.step,newdata= datas.test)
        step.error <- sum((step.pred-response[test.idx])^2)
        errors[j] <- step.error/length(response[test.idx])

        SS.tot <- sum((response[test.idx] - mean(response[test.idx]))^2)
        R2[j] <- 1 - step.error/SS.tot

  CVerror <- sum(errors)/k
  CV.R2 <-  sum(R2)/k

  res <- list()
  res$CV.error <- CVerror
  res$CV.R2 <- CV.R2



Any thoughts?

like image 841
dcl Avatar asked Nov 21 '11 14:11


People also ask

Why does rstudio keep saying object not found?

This error usually occurs for one of two reasons: Reason 1: You are attempting to reference an object you have not created. Reason 2: You are running a chunk of code where the object has not been defined in that chunk.

What does object not found mean in R?

6.2 Error: object not found This error usually occurs when your R Markdown document refers to an object that has not been defined in an R chunk at or before that chunk. You'll frequently see this when you've forgotten to copy code from your R Console sandbox back into a chunk in R Markdown.

2 Answers

When you created your formula, lm.cars, in was assigned its own environment. This environment stays with the formula unless you explicitly change it. So when you extract the formula with the formula function, the original environment of the model is included.

I don't know if I'm using the correct terminology here, but I think you need to explicitly change the environment for the formula inside your function:

cv.step <- function(linmod,k=10,direction="both"){
  response <- linmod$y
  dmatrix <- linmod$x
  n <- length(response)
  datas <- linmod$model
  .env <- environment() ## identify the environment of cv.step

  ## extract the formula in the environment of cv.step
  form <- as.formula(linmod$call, env = .env) 

  ## The rest of your function follows
like image 53
Tyler Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 10:10


Another problem that can cause this is if one passes a character (string vector) to lm instead of a formula. vectors have no environment, and so when lm converts the character to a formula, it apparently also has no environment instead of being automatically assigned the local environment. If one then uses an object as weights that is not in the data argument data.frame, but is in the local function argument, one gets a not found error. This behavior is not very easy to understand. It is probably a bug.

Here's a minimal reproducible example. This function takes a data.frame, two variable names and a vector of weights to use.

residualizer = function(data, x, y, wtds) {
  #the formula to use
  f = "x ~ y" 

  resid(lm(formula = f, data = data, weights = wtds))

residualizer2 = function(data, x, y, wtds) {
  #the formula to use
  f = as.formula("x ~ y")

  resid(lm(formula = f, data = data, weights = wtds))

d_example = data.frame(x = rnorm(10), y = rnorm(10))
weightsvar = runif(10)

And test:

> residualizer(data = d_example, x = "x", y = "y", wtds = weightsvar)
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'wtds' not found

> residualizer2(data = d_example, x = "x", y = "y", wtds = weightsvar)
         1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9         10 
 0.8986584 -1.1218003  0.6215950 -0.1106144  0.1042559  0.9997725 -1.1634717  0.4540855 -0.4207622 -0.8774290 

It is a very subtle bug. If one goes into the function environment with browser, one can see the weights vector just fine, but it somehow is not found in the lm call!

The bug becomes even harder to debug if one used the name weights for the weights variable. In this case, since lm can't find the weights object, it defaults to the function weights() from base thus throwing an even stranger error:

Error in model.frame.default(formula = f, data = data, weights = weights,  : 
  invalid type (closure) for variable '(weights)'

Don't ask me how many hours it took me to figure this out.

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CoderGuy123 Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 12:10
