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Object life cycle in java and memory management?

For the below statement in a program, how many objects will be created in heap memory and in the string constant pool?

I need clarity in object creation. Many sources I've read are not elaborating. I am confused when the object gets destroyed.

String a="MAM"+"BCD"+"EFG"+"GFE";

How many objects will be created?

I am looking for good material about the life cycle of objects, methods and classes and how the JVM handles them when they are dynamically changed and modified.

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saikiran Avatar asked Aug 07 '13 07:08


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1 Answers

"MAM"+"BCD"+"EFG"+"GFE" is a compile-time constant expression and it compiles into "MAMBCDEFGGFE" string literal. JVM will create an instance of String from this literal when loading the class containing the above code and will put this String into the string pool. Thus String a = "MAM"+"BCD"+"EFG"+"GFE"; does not create any object, see JLS 15.18.1. String Concatenation Operator +

The String object is newly created (§12.5) unless the expression is a compile-time constant expression (§15.28).

It simply assigns a reference to String object in pool to local var a.

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Evgeniy Dorofeev Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 22:10

Evgeniy Dorofeev