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Object cache on Spark executors

A good question for Spark experts.

I am processing data in a map operation (RDD). Within the mapper function, I need to lookup objects of class A to be used in processing of elements in an RDD.

Since this will be performed on executors AND creation of elements of type A (that will be looked up) happens to be an expensive operation, I want to pre-load and cache these objects on each executor. What is the best way of doing it?

  • One idea is to broadcast a lookup table, but class A is not serializable (no control over its implementation).

  • Another idea is to load them up in a singleton object. However, I want to control what gets loaded into that lookup table (e.g. possibly different data on different Spark jobs).

Ideally, I want to specify what will be loaded on executors once (including the case of Streaming, so that the lookup table stays in memory between batches), through a parameter that will be available on the driver during its start-up, before any data gets processed.

Is there a clean and elegant way of doing it or is it impossible to achieve?

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DruckerBg Avatar asked Nov 05 '16 07:11


People also ask

What does cache () do in Spark?

cache() is an Apache Spark transformation that can be used on a DataFrame, Dataset, or RDD when you want to perform more than one action. cache() caches the specified DataFrame, Dataset, or RDD in the memory of your cluster's workers.

Where is Spark cached data stored?

Spark DataFrame or Dataset cache() method by default saves it to storage level ` MEMORY_AND_DISK ` because recomputing the in-memory columnar representation of the underlying table is expensive. Note that this is different from the default cache level of ` RDD. cache() ` which is ' MEMORY_ONLY '.

What happens when cache memory is full in Spark?

unpersist() . If the caching layer becomes full, Spark will start evicting the data from memory using the LRU (least recently used) strategy. So it is good practice to use unpersist to stay more in control about what should be evicted.

When should I cache RDD?

Caching is recommended in the following situations: For RDD re-use in iterative machine learning applications. For RDD re-use in standalone Spark applications. When RDD computation is expensive, caching can help in reducing the cost of recovery in the case one executor fails.

2 Answers

This is exactly the targeted use case for broadcast. Broadcasted variables are transmitted once and use torrents to move efficiently to all executors, and stay in memory / local disk until you no longer need them.

Serialization often pops up as an issue when using others' interfaces. If you can enforce that the objects you consume are serializable, that's going to be the best solution. If this is impossible, your life gets a little more complicated. If you can't serialize the A objects, then you have to create them on the executors for each task. If they're stored in a file somewhere, this would look something like:

rdd.mapPartitions { it => 
  val lookupTable = loadLookupTable(path)
  it.map(elem => fn(lookupTable, elem))

Note that if you're using this model, then you have to load the lookup table once per task -- you can't benefit from the cross-task persistence of broadcast variables.

EDIT: Here's another model, which I believe lets you share the lookup table across tasks per JVM.

class BroadcastableLookupTable {
  @transient val lookupTable: LookupTable[A] = null

  def get: LookupTable[A] = {
    if (lookupTable == null)
      lookupTable = < load lookup table from disk>

This class can be broadcast (nothing substantial is transmitted) and the first time it's called per JVM, you'll load the lookup table and return it.

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Tim Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10


In case serialisation turns out to be impossible, how about storing the lookup objects in a database? It's not the easiest solution, granted, but should work just fine. I could recommend checking e.g. spark-redis, but I am sure there are better solution out there.

like image 40
Lukasz Tracewski Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 02:10

Lukasz Tracewski