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object array or collection in VBA Excel




i would like to have an array of objects in excel that call one event handler. specifically I have multiple buttons which perform the same function to different cells, and to keep from duplicating code I would like to simply reference these button objects via an index (like I used to do in VB 6.0).... by finding which button was clicked I would like to populate specific cells etc. so the question is: an array of buttons in excel VBA? I've done a little work in VB.net where I used collections, and that worked well... but it appears I can't do that in VBA.

like image 517
driveguy Avatar asked Dec 15 '09 19:12


People also ask

What is the difference between array and collection in VBA?

Collections in VBA are objects that can store groups of related items, much like an array. Unlike arrays, a single collection can store items of different types because each item in a collection is stored as a Variant.

What is a collection object in VBA?

The Collection object provides a convenient way to refer to a related group of items as a single object. The items, or members, in a collection need only be related by the fact that they exist in the collection. Members of a collection don't have to share the same data type.

What is an array in excel VBA?

An array is a single variable with many compartments to store values, while a typical variable has only one storage compartment in which it can store only one value. Refer to the array as a whole when you want to refer to all the values it holds, or you can refer to its individual elements.

How do I use collections in excel VBA?

To get started with collection first, we need to declare the variable as “Collection.” Since the collection is an object variable, we need to set the object reference by creating a new instance. Now with the variable, we can access all the methods of the collection variable “Col.”

2 Answers

There are no control arrays in VBA like there are in VB. For certain controls you can create a custom class to handle the events. For example, assume you have a userform with two command buttons. In the userform module, put this code

Private mcolEventButtons As Collection

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

    Dim clsEventButton As CEventButton

    Set mcolEventButtons = New Collection

    Set clsEventButton = New CEventButton
    Set clsEventButton.EventButton = Me.CommandButton1
    clsEventButton.RangeAddress = "A1"
    mcolEventButtons.Add clsEventButton, Me.CommandButton1.Name

    Set clsEventButton = New CEventButton
    Set clsEventButton.EventButton = Me.CommandButton2
    clsEventButton.RangeAddress = "A10"
    mcolEventButtons.Add clsEventButton, Me.CommandButton2.Name

End Sub

Then create a custom class module named CEventButton and put this code

Private WithEvents mctlEventButton As MSForms.CommandButton
Private msRangeAddress As String

Public Property Set EventButton(ctlButton As MSForms.CommandButton)

    Set mctlEventButton = ctlButton

End Property

Public Property Get EventButton() As MSForms.CommandButton

    Set EventButton = mctlEventButton

End Property

Private Sub mctlEventButton_Click()

    Sheet1.Range(Me.RangeAddress).Value = "Something"

End Sub

Public Property Get RangeAddress() As String

    RangeAddress = msRangeAddress

End Property

Public Property Let RangeAddress(ByVal sRangeAddress As String)

    msRangeAddress = sRangeAddress

End Property

The WithEvents keyword in the variable dimensioning polls the commandbutton's events and fires just as if it was tied to a particular control and in the userform module.

Here's what you did: You created a Collection to hold instances of your custom class for as long as the userform is active. This ensures that those instances stay in scope. Then you created a new instance of the class, assigned a particular button to it, and saved it in the collection. You did the same for the next button. In this example there are only two buttons, but if you had more you could continue doing this until you run out of memory.

I create a RangeAddress property in the custom class module as an example. What information you'll need to store will depend on what you're ultimately trying to accomplish.

For this example to work, you need to set the ShowModal property of the userform to FALSE, have to commandbuttons named CommandButton1 and CommandButton2, have a sheet with a codename of Sheet1, and probably some other stuff.

like image 196
Dick Kusleika Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 18:10

Dick Kusleika

Separate the common code into a single method and pass the cell as the parameter. Assign each button it's own event method, which in turn calls the common method with the specific cell to edit as a parameter. Something like this:

Private Sub CommonMethod(someCell as String)
  ' Do your stuff
  Range(someCell).Value = something
End Sub

So each button could be assigned to it's own method. This is already built in so don't try to recreate it, keep it simple.

Private Sub Button1_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Button2_Click()
End Sub
like image 45
David Glass Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10

David Glass