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Obfuscation in Android Studio

Is there any obfuscation tool to use with Android Studio? IntelliGuard plugin is declared to be supported by the Studio, but it doesn't work actually due to missing AntSupport plugin. I wan't able to find one in the repository. Any ideas?

P.S. Android Studio build process is based on Gradle, so I wouldn't expect to see Ant support there at all. May be I'm wrong.

like image 796
no id Avatar asked Jun 25 '13 05:06

no id

People also ask

How does obfuscation work Android?

Obfuscation changes the code and its data without modifying the behavior of the application or the user experience. It ranges from renaming classes or methods to transforming arithmetic or modifying the control flow of the app or encrypting app data.

What is obfuscation used for?

Obfuscation means to make something difficult to understand. Programming code is often obfuscated to protect intellectual property or trade secrets, and to prevent an attacker from reverse engineering a proprietary software program. Encrypting some or all of a program's code is one obfuscation method.

What is obfuscation technique?

Obfuscation is an umbrella term for a variety of processes that transform data into another form in order to protect sensitive information or personal data. Three of the most common techniques used to obfuscate data are encryption, tokenization, and data masking.

2 Answers

  • Basic Obfuscation

To obfuscate code in Android studio just go to your build.gradle file in your Android Studio project:

enter image description here

Change the minifyEnabled property from false to true

enter image description here

This is a basic Obfuscation.

After generating the apk you can see the obfuscation result by decompiling the apk with any software. This page could help you:


In the obfuscation result you will see classes with name: a,b,c....

enter image description here

And the obfuscation variables and methods will have also names like aa,c,ac...

enter image description here

  • Normal obfuscation:

To obfuscate the code in a more complex form you could go to your root directory app and create a .pro file. For example in the following picture I have created the file: proguard-rules-new.pro. In the same directory you should see a file called proguard-rules.pro

enter image description here

Now add the file you have created to the build.gradle file

enter image description here

And edit the .pro file you have create with your own custom proguard rules

enter image description here

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Led Machine Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09

Led Machine

First enable minifyEnabled in your build.gradle file, like

minifyEnabled true 

After this, add below lines in progurad-rules.txt file

-keep class yourpackage.** { *; } -dontusemixedcaseclassnames -dontskipnonpubliclibraryclasses -verbose 

For checking that its working fine go to:

http://www.javadecompilers.com/apktool website so that you can verify after decompilation.

It will work and your classes will be hidden completely.

like image 31
amit pandya Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 19:09

amit pandya