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.o files vs .a files

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What is the difference between .a and .o files?

a is typically an archive library containing one or more .o files [non-PIC]. When linked with an exe, the particular "*.o" files in the archive will be inserted into the executable. . lo is generally a "library object" that contains PIC code whether manually compiled with gcc -fPIC or using libtool.

What is the point of .o files?

A file ending in .o is an object file. The compiler creates an object file for each source file, before linking them together, into the final executable.

What are .a files?

An A file contains a library of functions and headers that may be referenced by a C/C++ source file. It may store only a few functions or may include an entire library of functions, such as a 3D modeling engine. A files are typically created by the GNU ar utility.

Is a .o file executable?

An O file is a compiled C program object. Some C compilers create O files during the executable (. EXE) creation process. O files themselves are typically not executable.

.o files are objects. They are the output of the compiler and input to the linker/librarian.

.a files are archives. They are groups of objects or static libraries and are also input into the linker.

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I didn't notice the "examples" part of your question. Generally you will be using a makefile to generate static libraries.

AR = ar 
CC = gcc

objects := hello.o world.o

libby.a: $(objects)
    $(AR) rcu $@ $(objects)

%.o: %.c
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

This will compile hello.c and world.c into objects and then archive them into library. Depending on the platform, you may also need to run a utility called ranlib to generate the table of contents on the archive.

An interesting side note: .a files are technically archive files and not libraries. They are analogous to zip files without compression though they use a much older file format. The table of contents generated by utilities like ranlib is what makes an archive a library. Java archive files (.jar) are similar in that they are zip files that have some special directory structures created by the Java archiver.

A .o file is the result of compiling a single compilation unit (essentially a source-code file, with associated header files) while a .a file is one or more .o files packaged up as a library.

D Shawley's answer is good, I just wanted to add a couple of points because other answers reflect an incomplete understanding of what's going on.

Keep in mind that archive files (.a) are not restricted to containing object files (.o). They may contain arbitrary files. Not often useful, but see dynamic linker dependenciy info embedded in an archive for a stupid linker trick.

Also notice that object files (.o) are not necessarily the result of a single compilation unit. It is possible to partially link several smaller object files into a single larger file.

http://www.mihaiu.name/2002/library_development_linux/ -- search in this page for "partial"

You can use ar to create .a file (static library) from .o files (object files)

See man ar for details.

There is one more aspect of linking against .a vs .o files: when linking, all .os passed as arguments are included in the final executable, whereas entries from any .a arguments are only included in the linker output if they resolve a symbol dependency in the program.

More specifically, each .a file is an archive comprising multiple .o files. You can think of each .o being an atomic unit of code. If the linker needs a symbol from one of these units, the whole unit gets sucked into the final binary; but none of the others are unless they too are needed.

In contrast, when you pass a .o on the command line, the linker sucks it in because you requested it.

To illustrate this, consider the following example, where we have a static library comprising two objects a.o and b.o. Our program will only reference symbols from a.o. We will compare how the linker treats passing a.o and b.o together, vs. the static library which comprises the same two objects.

// header.hh
#pragma once

void say_hello_a();
void say_hello_b();
// a.cc
#include "header.hh"
#include <iostream>

char hello_a[] = "hello from a";

void say_hello_a()
        std::cout << hello_a << '\n';
// b.cc
#include "header.hh"
#include <iostream>

char hello_b[] = "hello from b";

void say_hello_b()
        std::cout << hello_b << '\n';
// main.cc
#include "header.hh"

int main()

We can compile the code using this Makefile:

.PHONY = compile archive link all clean

all: link

        @echo ">>> Compiling..."
        g++ -c a.cc b.cc main.cc

archive: compile
        @echo ">>> Archiving..."
        ar crs lib.a a.o b.o

link: archive
        @echo ">>> Linking..."
        g++ -o main_o main.o a.o b.o
        g++ -o main_a main.o lib.a

        rm *.o *.a main_a main_o

and obtain two executables main_o and main_a that differ in that the contents of a.cc and b.cc where provided through two .os in the first case and through a .a in the second.

Lastly we examine the symbols of the final executables using the nm tool:

$ nm --demangle main_o | grep hello
00000000000011e9 t _GLOBAL__sub_I_hello_a
000000000000126e t _GLOBAL__sub_I_hello_b
0000000000004048 D hello_a
0000000000004058 D hello_b
0000000000001179 T say_hello_a()
00000000000011fe T say_hello_b()
$ nm --demangle main_a | grep hello
00000000000011e9 t _GLOBAL__sub_I_hello_a
0000000000004048 D hello_a
0000000000001179 T say_hello_a()

and observe that main_a is in fact lacking the unneeded symbols from b.o. That is, the linker did not suck in the contents of b.o within the archive lib.a because none of the symbols from b.cc were referenced.

I believe an .a file is an archive that can contain multiple object files.