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NVD3 - Showing empty chart instead of noData message




Is there a way to show an empty chart instead of the "No Data Available" message when there is no data to show?


data2 = [ 
      "key" : "A key" , 
      "values" : []



like image 452
martinpaulucci Avatar asked Jul 03 '13 21:07


2 Answers

You can "hack" this by having an empty array that contains an empty array:

data2 = [ 
    "key" : "A key" , 
    "values" : [[]]
like image 181
Lars Kotthoff Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 12:10

Lars Kotthoff

The answer provided by Lars works well when you do not want to show the noData message on a chart when its empty.

Recently I had charts with content being loaded dynamically. I found a similar question to this Updating with no data does not clear old data from the chart.

If a chart is populated with data and then update is called after the data has been emptied, the noData text will overlay the existing data.

Consider if the current data should be cleared from the chart as it can be confusing to see both at the same time.

I was not able to find a clean solution to that, So here's what I did to overcome it :

Used Lars answer to empty the chart :

data2 = [{
    "key" : "A key",
    "values" : [[]]

And then added the code below.

d3.select('#chart svg').append("text")
        .attr("x", "235")
        .attr("y", "35")
        .attr("dy", "-.7em")
        .attr("class", "nvd3 nv-noData")
        .style("text-anchor", "middle")
        .text("My Custom No Data Message");

Even I am after a proper solution for it, to show the noData text without it overlaying the existing data. But for now this works perfectly.

Hope it helps some one, trying to achieve the same thing.

like image 31
shabeer90 Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 11:10
