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Numpy: Indexing over the last axis when you don't know the rank in advance


How can I index the last axis of a Numpy array if I don't know its rank in advance?

Here is what I want to do: Let a be a Numpy array of unknown rank. I want the slice of the last k elements of the last axis.

If a is 1D, I want

b = a[-k:]

If a is 2D, I want

b = a[:, -k:]

If a is 3D, I want

b = a[:, :, -k:]

and so on.

I want this to work regardless of the rank of a (as long as the rank is at least 1).

The fact that I want the last k elements in the example is irrelevant of course, the point is that I want to specify indices for whatever the last axis is when I don't know the rank of an array in advance.

like image 802
Alex Avatar asked Mar 20 '17 23:03


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1 Answers

b = a[..., -k:]

This is mentioned in the docs.

like image 115
user2357112 supports Monica Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 04:10

user2357112 supports Monica