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Number appearing in Perl-generated JavaScript code instead of "$("

On a site I'm working on there are random numbers appearing in a very simple bit of jQuery.

Instead of what's meant to appear, these numbers — 48, etc. — appear at the beginning. Like this:

<script type="text/javascript">     48 48document).ready(function () {     48 48".closed").click(function () {                  48 48this).find("div.but").toggleClass('plus').toggleClass('minus');                         48 48this).toggleClass('closed').toggleClass('open');             });         });         </script> 

I can't even begin to imagine why it would spit this out when I hard-coded it into the site and there's no external file or anything.

OK, so since it's Perl I need to escape $(, but how? I took a look at the Perl documentation and I just felt like I'd been punched.

Do I just use single quotes instead of double quotes?

<script type="text/javascript">     $(document).ready(function () {       $('.closed').click(function () {                   $(this).find('div.but').toggleClass('plus').toggleClass('minus');         $(this).toggleClass('closed').toggleClass('open');           });   }); </script> 

Here's the full Perl script. It's the header of a site.

########################### ## META DATA AND HEADERS ## ###########################  $be_strict = 0;    # 1 = 404 on page not found if ((!$title{$loadpage} || !$h1{$loadpage} || !$description{$loadpage} || !$keywords{$loadpage} || !$breadcrumb{$loadpage}) && $be_strict) {   print "Status: 302 Found\r\n" .       "Location: http://www.realots.co/404/\r\n" .       "\r\n";   exit(0); }   if ($action) {    #############################   ## Highscore page SEO Hack ##   #############################    if ($action eq "fish") {     $breadcrumb{'highscores'}     = "<a href='/'>RealOTS</a> &raquo; <a href='/highscores/'>Highscores</a> &raquo; <b>Fishing Skill</b>";     $h1{'highscores'}             = "RealOTS Fishing Highscores";     $title{'highscores'}          = "RealOTS Top Fishing Skill";     $description{'highscores'}    = "Fishing Skill Highscore list of our RealOTS. Check out these amazing fishermen!";     $keywords{'highscores'}       = "realots,otserv,tibia,highscore,hiscores,fishing,top fishing";   }   elsif ($action eq "ml") {     $breadcrumb{'highscores'}     = "<a href='/'>RealOTS</a> &raquo; <a href='/highscores/'>Highscores</a> &raquo; <b>Magic Level</b>";     $h1{'highscores'}             = "RealOTS Magic Highscores";     $title{'highscores'}          = "RealOTS Top Magic Level";     $description{'highscores'}    = "Magic Level Highscore list of our RealOTS. Check out these fearsome mages!";     $keywords{'highscores'}       = "realots,otserv,tibia,highscore,hiscores,magic,top magic";   }   elsif ($action eq "sword") {     $breadcrumb{'highscores'}     = "<a href='/'>RealOTS</a> &raquo; <a href='/highscores/'>Highscores</a> &raquo; <b>Sword Fighting</b>";     $h1{'highscores'}             = "RealOTS Sword Fighting Highscores";     $title{'highscores'}          = "RealOTS Top Sword Fighters";     $description{'highscores'}    = "Sword Fighting Highscore list of our RealOTS. Fear the mighty sword wielder!";     $keywords{'highscores'}       = "realots,otserv,tibia,highscore,hiscores,sword,top sword";   }   elsif ($action eq "axe") {     $breadcrumb{'highscores'}     = "<a href='/'>RealOTS</a> &raquo; <a href='/highscores/'>Highscores</a> &raquo; <b>Axe Fighting</b>";     $h1{'highscores'}             = "RealOTS Axe Fighting Highscores";     $title{'highscores'}          = "RealOTS Top Axe Fighters";     $description{'highscores'}    = "Axe Fighting Highscore list of our RealOTS. Behold these savage beasts with their amazing axe skills!";     $keywords{'highscores'}       = "realots,otserv,tibia,highscore,hiscores,axe,top axe,axe fighting";   }   elsif ($action eq "club") {     $breadcrumb{'highscores'}     = "<a href='/'>RealOTS</a> &raquo; <a href='/highscores/'>Highscores</a> &raquo; <b>Club Fighting</b>";     $h1{'highscores'}             = "RealOTS Club Fighting Highscores";     $title{'highscores'}          = "RealOTS Top Club Fighters";     $description{'highscores'}    = "Club Fighting Highscore list of our RealOTS. Caveman-like agility all around!";     $keywords{'highscores'}       = "realots,otserv,tibia,highscore,hiscores,club,top club,club fighting";   }   elsif ($action eq "dist") {     $breadcrumb{'highscores'}     = "<a href='/'>RealOTS</a> &raquo; <a href='/highscores/'>Highscores</a> &raquo; <b>Distance Fighting</b>";     $h1{'highscores'}             = "RealOTS Distance Fighting Highscores";     $title{'highscores'}          = "RealOTS Top Distance Fighters";     $description{'highscores'}    = "Distance Fighting Highscore list of our RealOTS. Death from afar, raining from the sky!";     $keywords{'highscores'}       = "realots,otserv,tibia,highscore,hiscores,distance,top distance,distance fighting";   }   elsif ($action eq "shield") {     $breadcrumb{'highscores'}     = "<a href='/'>RealOTS</a> &raquo; <a href='/highscores/'>Highscores</a> &raquo; <b>Shielding</b>";     $h1{'highscores'}             = "RealOTS Shielding Highscores";     $title{'highscores'}          = "RealOTS Top Shielding";     $description{'highscores'}    = "Shielding Highscore list of our RealOTS. These tanks are able to withstand tremendeous blows!";     $keywords{'highscores'}       = "realots,otserv,tibia,highscore,hiscores,shielding,top shielding";   }   elsif ($action eq "fist") {     $breadcrumb{'highscores'}     = "<a href='/'>RealOTS</a> &raquo; <a href='/highscores/'>Highscores</a> &raquo; <b>Fist Fighting</b>";     $h1{'highscores'}             = "RealOTS Fist Fighting Highscores";     $title{'highscores'}          = "RealOTS Top Fist Fighters";     $description{'highscores'}    = "Fist Fighting Highscore list of our RealOTS. They had special training by sensai Chuck Norris!";     $keywords{'highscores'}       = "realots,otserv,tibia,highscore,hiscores,fist,top fist,fist fighting";   } }  #&print_header(); $web_content .= qq{ <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html>   <head>     <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">      <title>$title{$loadpage}</title>     <meta name="google-site-verification" content="Z97W94Kp7MlIOgiaMAYcFA4Lp4i5hckXdncRarXkBxk" />     <meta name="google-site-verification" content="I5HTpL8jLRcdrWk3jD83qIFDBkS4G_rmWHlxEq94jLU" />     <style type="text/css">       table.outlined {         border-width: 1px;         order-style: solid;         border-color: #9999CC;         border-collapse: separate;       }       a.suggestions:visited{color:#0000FF;text-decoration:none;}       a.suggestions:link{color:#0000FF;text-decoration:none;}       a.suggestions:hover{color:#305997;text-decoration:none;}  .trans {         filter:alpha(opacity=50);         -moz-opacity:0.5;         -khtml-opacity: 0.5;         opacity: 0.5; }      </style> <!--[if IE 6]> <![endif]--> <!--[if IE 6]> <style type="text/css"> html { overflow-y: hidden; } body { overflow-y: auto; } img#bg { position:absolute; z-index:-1; } #content { position:static; } </style> <![endif]-->  };  if ($no_index{$loadpage}) {   $web_content .= qq{    <meta name="Robots" content="NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW,NOARCHIVE,NOSNIPPET" />}; } else {   $web_content .= qq{    <meta name="Robots" content="index,follow" />}; }  $web_content .= qq{     <meta name="keywords" content="$keywords{$loadpage}">     <meta name="description" content="$description{$loadpage}">     <meta name="author" content="RealOTS" />     <meta name="Expires" content="never" />     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/images/style.css" />     <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.mollie.nl/partners/js/96481.js"></script>      <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>      <script type="text/javascript">     $(document).ready(function () {     $(".closed").click(function () {           $(this).find("div.but").toggleClass('plus').toggleClass('minus');           $(this).toggleClass('closed').toggleClass('open');      });  });      </script>       </head> }; 
like image 727
andy Avatar asked May 09 '13 02:05


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1 Answers

$( is a Perl predefined variable, expanding to the process's group ID list.

If you are on a machine that supports membership in multiple groups simultaneously, gives a space separated list of groups you are in. The first number is the one returned by getgid() , and the subsequent ones by getgroups() , one of which may be the same as the first number.

See the perlvar docs for details.

To avoid the problem, make sure to escape $( (and any other JavaScript $ chars) in Perl strings, or use '' instead of "" to avoid interpolation.


$html = "$(document).ready(...)"; 


$html = "\$(document).ready(...)"; $html = '$(document).ready(...)'; 

In the code above, for example, the script section should be:

<script type="text/javascript">   \$(document).ready(function () {     \$(".closed").click(function () {        \$(this).find("div.but").toggleClass('plus').toggleClass('minus');       \$(this).toggleClass('closed').toggleClass('open');      });       }); </script> 
like image 164
Paul Roub Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 10:09

Paul Roub