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NullPointerException when reading a properties file in Java


I am using the following code to read a properties file:

Properties pro = new Properties();
InputStream is = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().


And when I execute the code I'm getting the following error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
  at java.util.Properties$LineReader.readLine(Properties.java:418)
  at java.util.Properties.load0(Properties.java:337)
  at java.util.Properties.load(Properties.java:325)
  at com.ibm.rqm.integration.RQMUrlUtility.RQMRestClient.getResource(RQMRestClient.java:66)
  at com.ibm.rqm.integration.RQMUrlUtility.RQMRestClient.main(RQMRestClient.java:50)

Why am I getting a NullPointerException? And where should I save the resources.properties file?

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udy Avatar asked Jun 29 '10 09:06


People also ask

How do I fix NullPointerException in Java?

In Java, the java. lang. NullPointerException is thrown when a reference variable is accessed (or de-referenced) and is not pointing to any object. This error can be resolved by using a try-catch block or an if-else condition to check if a reference variable is null before dereferencing it.

What causes NullPointerException in Java?

What Causes NullPointerException. The NullPointerException occurs due to a situation in application code where an uninitialized object is attempted to be accessed or modified. Essentially, this means the object reference does not point anywhere and has a null value.

What can help us in avoiding NullPointerException?

Java 8 introduced an Optional class which is a nicer way to avoid NullPointerExceptions. You can use Optional to encapsulate the potential null values and pass or return it safely without worrying about the exception. Without Optional, when a method signature has return type of certain object.

What is NullPointerException in Java example?

NullPointerException is a runtime exception and it is thrown when the application try to use an object reference which has a null value. For example, using a method on a null reference.

1 Answers

It looks like ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(String name) returns null, which then causes Properties.load to throw NullPointerException.

Here's an excerpt from documentation:

URL getResource(String name): Finds the resource with the given name. A resource is some data (images, audio, text, etc) that can be accessed by class code in a way that is independent of the location of the code.

The name of a resource is a '/'-separated path name that identifies the resource.

Returns: A URL object for reading the resource, or null if:

  • the resource could not be found, or
  • the invoker doesn't have adequate privileges to get the resource.

See also

  • Java Tutorials/Loading Images Using getResource
    • Has examples of where/how to put and access resources in the directory/JAR file
  • SDN: Location-Independent Access to Resources
like image 142
polygenelubricants Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 05:10
