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Nullpointer in simple grails controller unit test

I need a little assistance with a strange issue I am facing unit testing a very basic Grails 2.4.1 controller.

Given this controller:

class AuthenticationEventController {
    def index() {
        // Sorry, ajax only!
        if(!request.xhr) {
            redirect(controller: "main")
            return false

        render(template: "index")

And this test:

class AuthenticationEventControllerSpec extends Specification {

    void "Test that the index rejects non-ajax calls"() {
            request.isXhr = { false }


            response.redirectedUrl == '/main'

I get a NullPointerException on the "controller.index()" call.

    at org.springframework.transaction.support.TransactionTemplate.execute(TransactionTemplate.java:130)
    at org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.support.GrailsTransactionTemplate.execute(GrailsTransactionTemplate.groovy:85)
    at au.com.intrinsicminds.advansys.controller.AuthenticationEventControllerSpec.Test that the index rejects non-ajax calls(AuthenticationEventControllerSpec.groovy:17)
like image 551
Captain Avatar asked Jul 08 '14 01:07


People also ask

How does Grails make testing easier?

Hence, Grails provides many ways to making testing easier from low level unit testing to high level functional tests. This section details the different capabilities that Grails offers for testing. The first thing to be aware of is that all of the create-* and generate-\* commands create unit or integration tests automatically.

What are unit tests in Grails?

Unit tests are typically run without the presence of physical resources that involve I/O such as databases, socket connections or files. This is to ensure they run as quick as possible since quick feedback is important. Since Grails 3.3, the Grails Testing Support Framework is used for all unit tests. This support provides a set of traits.

What is a controller in Grails?

The Grails team discourages the embedding of core application logic inside controllers, as it does not promote reuse and a clean separation of concerns. A controller’s responsibility should be to handle a request and create or prepare a response. A controller can generate the response directly or delegate to a view.

What are the advantages of using Grails in interactive mode?

Using Grails' interactive mode confers some distinct advantages when executing tests. First, the tests will execute significantly faster on the second and subsequent runs. Second, a shortcut is available to open the HTML reports in your browser: You can also run your unit tests from within most IDEs.

1 Answers

the problem most likely is you are using

import grails.transaction.Transactional

instead of

import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional

for @Transactional annotation in the groovy class.

why, no clear answer as to the major difference or why the test doesn't do well with this. Also this usually only happens if you are testing a class with 2 more class layers behind it.

like image 183
Jonathan Druck Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 16:09

Jonathan Druck