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‘NSInternalInconsistencyException’ when running UITesting with Xcode 7

Ok, I’ve not been able to run this test in any betas so far. Some of the issues I’ve encountered are here and here

Now, I feel like I’m missing something.

Here’s my progress so far

  1. Enabled “UI testing” option while creating a new project. This, in fact adds a target for me. So I should be good to go - or so I thought. enter image description here
  2. The swift file under UI Testing had already “XCTest” imported and was a subclass of “XCTestCase”.
  3. setup() launches the application XCUIApplication().launch()
  4. And I added the following (by hitting the Record button) enter image description here

And then, I ran this test.

The whole thing fails even before the test is called, right after launching app in setup() with the following

*** Assertion failure in -[XCUIApplication init], /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/XCTest_Sim/XCTest-8170.3/XCTestFramework/UI Testing/XCUIApplication.m:76 /Users/UserName/Documents/Projects/Testing/UiTesting/UITestingApp/UITestingApp.swift:0: error: -[UITestingApp.UITestingApp testSimpleTap] : failed: caught "NSInternalInconsistencyException", "No target application path specified via test configuration:
productModuleName:(null) testsToSkip:(null) testsToRun:(null) reportResultsToIDE:no sessionIdentifier:<__NSConcreteUUID 0x7f93e146c0b0> F242796B-ED26-4AA7-861A-540D2D93CB8F pathToXcodeReportingSocket:(null) disablePerformanceMetrics:no treatMissingBaselinesAsFailures:no baselineFileURL:(null) targetApplicationPath:(null) targetApplicationBundleID:(null) reportActivities:no

Anyone run into this or has any suggestions on what I might be missing?

Note: I did set the “Target Application” of the UI Testing target to my app

Update: I noticed this is applicable to all beta/final releases of Xcode - updated title accordingly

like image 444
SuPotter Avatar asked Aug 28 '15 17:08


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How to Run XCUI Tests on XCode. To run the XCUITests on XCode, you can click the highlighted icon below to see your newly created UI Test targets. You can hover on the “testExample()” test case and click the “Play” icon to run that specific test to see if everything was set up properly.

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2 Answers

I had a similar issue and my mistake was trying to use UI testing code in a regular test target. Once I made a new target, starting with "iOS UI Testing Bundle" and copied the code there the error went away. Here's the thread that pointed me in the right direction: https://twitter.com/punksomething/status/609505357132500993 "Yeah, I was trying to use a UI test in a regular test target. Had to create a newly added UI Test target"

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Matt Bearson Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 01:10

Matt Bearson

This happened to me when I was trying to add a new class to my unit test target but I've selected UI Test Case Class template instead of Unit Test Case Class template.

Make sure that you always select proper one. Eventhough they are both XCTestCase subclass and you assign them to proper target, it will throw this error when selecting wrong template.

enter image description here

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Viktor Kucera Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 01:10

Viktor Kucera