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NSCameraUsageDescription in iOS 10.0 runtime crash?

After iOS 10 you have to define and provide a usage description of all the system’s privacy-sensitive data accessed by your app in Info.plist as below:


Key    :  Privacy - Calendars Usage Description    
Value  :  $(PRODUCT_NAME) calendar events

Reminder :

Key    :   Privacy - Reminders Usage Description    
Value  :   $(PRODUCT_NAME) reminder use

Contact :

Key    :   Privacy - Contacts Usage Description     
Value  :  $(PRODUCT_NAME) contact use

Photo :

Key    :  Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description    
Value  :  $(PRODUCT_NAME) photo use

Bluetooth Sharing :

Key    :  Privacy - Bluetooth Peripheral Usage Description     
Value  :  $(PRODUCT_NAME) Bluetooth Peripheral use

Microphone :

Key    :  Privacy - Microphone Usage Description    
Value  :  $(PRODUCT_NAME) microphone use

Camera :

Key    :  Privacy - Camera Usage Description   
Value  :  $(PRODUCT_NAME) camera use

Location :

Key    :  Privacy - Location Always Usage Description   
Value  :  $(PRODUCT_NAME) location use

Key    :  Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description   
Value  :  $(PRODUCT_NAME) location use

Heath :

Key    :  Privacy - Health Share Usage Description   
Value  :  $(PRODUCT_NAME) heath share use

Key    :  Privacy - Health Update Usage Description   
Value  :  $(PRODUCT_NAME) heath update use

HomeKit :

Key    :  Privacy - HomeKit Usage Description   
Value  :  $(PRODUCT_NAME) home kit use

Media Library :

Key    :  Privacy - Media Library Usage Description   
Value  :  $(PRODUCT_NAME) media library use

Motion :

Key    :  Privacy - Motion Usage Description   
Value  :  $(PRODUCT_NAME) motion use

Speech Recognition :

Key    :  Privacy - Speech Recognition Usage Description   
Value  :  $(PRODUCT_NAME) speech use

SiriKit :

Key    :  Privacy - Siri Usage Description  
Value  :  $(PRODUCT_NAME) siri use

TV Provider :

Key    :  Privacy - TV Provider Usage Description   
Value  :  $(PRODUCT_NAME) tvProvider use

You can get detailed information in this link.

As Apple has changed how you can access any user private data types in iOS 10.

You need to add the "Privacy - Camera usage description" key to your app’s Info.plist and their usage information which is apply for your application, as in below example I had provided that I have used to scan barcodes.

For more information please find the below screenshot.

enter image description here

You have to add this below key in info.plist.

NSCameraUsageDescription Or Privacy - Camera usage description

And add description of usage.

Detailed screenshots are available in this link

Alternatively open Info.plist as source code and add this:

<string>Camera usage description</string>

Use these raw values and copy in info.plist

      <string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) calendar events</string>
      <string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) reminder use</string>
      <string>This app requires to access your photo library to show image on profile and send via chat</string>
      <string>This app requires to access your microphone to record video with your voice send via chat</string>
      <string>This app requires to access your photo library to show image on profile and send via chat</string>
       <string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) contact use</string>
      <string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) location use</string>
      <string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) location use</string>