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NSAutoLayout standard space value




When using AutoLayout you can tick the "standard" box in Interface Builder or you can create it visually using... @"|-[someElement]-|"

Is there a constant that I can use to access the value that this "standard" represents?

I want to create an NSLayoutConstraint where the constant property is equal to this standard value.

like image 851
Fogmeister Avatar asked May 17 '13 17:05


1 Answers

According to this answer to What constant can I use for the default Aqua space in Autolayout?, the standard Aqua space is

8.0 between sibling views, and 20.0 between a view and its superview.

There are no predefined constants so you'd have to define your own.

like image 174
Benjamin Cheah Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 07:10

Benjamin Cheah