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npm not working - "read ECONNRESET"




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How do I fix Econnreset error read?

I solved the problem by simply connecting to a different network. That is one of the possible problems. As discussed above, ECONNRESET means that the TCP conversation abruptly closed its end of the connection. Your internet connection might be blocking you from connecting to some servers.

What is read Econnreset?

“ECONNRESET” means the other side of the TCP conversation abruptly closed its end of the connection. This is most probably due to one or more application protocol errors. You could look at the API server logs to see if it complains about something.

What causes Econnreset?

“ECONNRESET” means the other side of the TCP conversation abruptly closed its end of the connection. This is most probably due to one or more application protocol errors. You could look at the API server logs to see if it complains about something.


npm config set registry http://registry.npmjs.org/

so that npm requests for http url instead of https.

and then try the same npm install command

You may want to check your NPM proxy settings and perhaps remove it.

npm config get proxy
npm config rm proxy
npm config rm https-proxy

One might expect a fresh install of NodeJS+NPM would not have a proxy configured. Strangely enough, mine did come with a proxy defined, pointing to an IP and port 3128. Removing the proxy did the trick.

You may also need to specify the proxy server/port, in some environments the system settings for proxy are not enough for npm to work.

    npm config set proxy "http://your-proxy.com:80"

Remove your proxy settings at home and switch on at Office networks, This may be irritating, But It worked for me:

npm config set proxy http://xxx.xxx.xxx.4:8080   
npm config set https-proxy http://xxx.xxx.xxx.4:8080


npm config rm proxy   
npm config rm https-proxy

This can be caused by installing anything with npm using sudo -- this causes the files in the cache to be owned by root, resulting in this problem. You can fix it by running:

sudo rm -rf ~/.npm

to remove the cache. Then try whatever you were doing again, making sure you never use sudo along with npm (or the problem may come back).

Lots more information: npm throws error without sudo

Restarting my PC made it worked.