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npm not included in ASP.NET Core Web Application

I am trying to learn ASP.NET Core 1.0, and I am creating a ASP.NET Core project with the "Web Application" template, but I am seeing a discrepancy with what I am expecting. I was under the impression that npm and gulp were included in the project as the documentation states:

The template also includes Node Package Manager (npm) and Gulp, making it easier to add bundling and minification to a project.

And also:

When you create a new web project using ASP.NET Core Web Application template, Visual Studio includes the Gulp.js npm package, the gulpfile.js file, and a set of Gulp dependencies.

However, I am not seeing npm as a package management option, nor am I seeing any files related to npm or Gulp. I do, however, see Bower options.

I am using Microsoft .NET Core Tools 1.0.0 (Preview 2).

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Steve Pak Avatar asked Jul 06 '16 17:07

Steve Pak

1 Answers

gulp/grunt/npm is still supported but was removed from the default project template in the preview tooling that shipped with ASP.NET Core RTM

I think you can just manually add a package.json file and a gulpfile.js and makes some edits in the scripts section of project.json in the web app to get back in business as it was in RC2

the default template uses a new bundler minifier

there was also discussion about it in community standup if you want to learn the reasoning behind the changes

like image 113
Joe Audette Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10

Joe Audette