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NPGSQL: Relate Operation called with a LWGEOMCOLLECTION type





I have a query which fetches PostGIS data using Npgsql. Its purpose is to take a point (x,y co-ordinates) and work out which (if any) geometry is at that point. For the vast majority of geometries in the database the query works fine, but for at least one I get the following exception:

ERROR: XX000: Relate Operation called with a LWGEOMCOLLECTION type. This is unsupported.

with the top of the stack trace being:

[NpgsqlException (0x80004005): ERROR: XX000: Relate Operation called with a LWGEOMCOLLECTION type. This is unsupported.]
Npgsql.d__0.MoveNext() +3160
Npgsql.ForwardsOnlyDataReader.GetNextResponseObject(Boolean cleanup) +808 Npgsql.ForwardsOnlyDataReader.GetNextRow(Boolean clearPending) +308 Npgsql.ForwardsOnlyDataReader.Read() +47

All geometries should be valid as I call ST_MakeValid on any which aren't and there are currently none where ST_IsValid returns false. The geometry was created by calling ST_GeomFromKML and is rendered fine on a map as a raster layer using WMS via GeoServer or as a vector layer using ST_AsGeoJSON so the PostGIS data seems to be OK.

Is there any way I can amend my code or data to stop this happening? The part of the code failing is the part where the reader is being read in:

command.CommandText = "SELECT area_code FROM area WHERE ST_INTERSECTS(ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(:x, :y), 4326), shape) AND area_type_code = :typecode";
command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
var typeCodeParameter = new NpgsqlParameter
    DbType = DbType.String,
    ParameterName = "typecode",
    Value = _typeCode
var xParameter = new NpgsqlParameter
    DbType = DbType.Double,
    ParameterName = "x",
    Value = _x
var yParameter = new NpgsqlParameter
    DbType = DbType.Double,
    ParameterName = "y",
    Value = _y
using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
    if (reader.Read())
        area = new AreaBasic
            Code = (string)reader["area_code"]

EDIT: further information. The same error occurs when running the query with hard coded values in pgAdmin III so the problem isn't Npgsql specific.

like image 633
Andy Nichols Avatar asked Feb 10 '15 16:02

Andy Nichols

1 Answers

This is due to trying to call an intersects or contains type query on a Geometry Collection, ie, where you have some mixture of points, lines and polygons (possibly multi).

There are, at least, a couple of possible fixes. The first one is simpler, but seems a bit hacky, which is simply to buffer your input geometry first by 0, which will result in non-polygons from being removed, so, in your case, simply changing your command.commandText to

SELECT area_code FROM area WHERE ST_INTERSECTS(ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(:x, :y), 4326), 
ST_Buffer(shape, 0)) AND area_type_code = :typecode";

Note, this approach can often be used to fix invalid geometries, ones with self-intersecting loops and the like.

The second approach is to use ST_Dump on your shape field to split into individual geometries and then only use Polygons in the actual query by means of the ST_GeometryType function.

SELECT area_code 
  (SELECT area_code, (ST_Dump(area)).geom FROM area) poly  
WHERE ST_INTERSECTS(ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(:x, :y), 4326), poly.geom) 
AND ST_GeometryType(poly.geom) = 'ST_Polygon' 
OR ST_GeometryType(poly.geom) = 'ST_MultiPolygon'
AND area_type_code = :typecode";

This is untested, as I can't test this on you data clearly, but these approaches work in practice.

like image 101
John Powell Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 20:11

John Powell