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Notifications tracking when using FCM

Is it possible to track the notification status, whether it was opened or canceled by the user, when I send a push notification without using firebase services dashboard?

I am using Advanced REST client and I would like to record data about the notifications status when sending payload to https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send

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parohy Avatar asked Jul 12 '16 12:07


People also ask

How does FCM notification work?

You have an SMS app on your phone where you receive messages. The message is sent to you by some other user and is delivered by your telecom service provider. In the same way, you use an application to create push messages, and they are relayed to a cloud server by the app, which then delivers it to the subscribers.

Why you use FCM notification instead of APNs?

APNs and WNS do not support multiple platforms. They are designed to work with their native platforms. But, FCM supports multiple platforms such as Android and iOS and even supports Chrome web apps.

How do I test FCM push notifications?

Send a test notification message Open the Notifications composer and select New notification. Enter the message text. Select Send test message. In the field labeled Add an FCM registration token, enter the registration token you obtained in a previous section of this guide.

Does FCM use APNs?

Hence, FCM uses APNs to deliver messages when the message contains user visible payload, e.g., body, sound etc. FCM also delivers via APNs when content available is set.

1 Answers

Conversion tracking is only built into Firebase Notifications. I don't think we have a public API to feed into those charts.

But if you send your messages through Firebase Cloud Messaging, you could:

  1. record the conversion events in your app by calling Firebase Analytics explicitly
  2. record more details about the converting user in your Firebase Database

You could easily accomplish the same type of functionality that way.

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Frank van Puffelen Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 13:11

Frank van Puffelen