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Nothing will unset X-Frame-Options (Apache, PHP 5.3)

I'm trying to implement an embeddable widget, functioning similar to a Twitter embedded tweet. The simplest solution, though maybe not the best, appears to be an iframe or HTML5 embed - but both are being blocked by the X-Frame-Options header on the server.

I'm running PHP 5.3 and Apache 2.2 on a dedicated server under my full control.

I've tried placing on the first line of the very first line of the iframe PHP file:


I've tried adding the following to .htaccess:

Header unset X-Frame-Options

I've checked httpd.conf, the vhost .conf file, even PHP.INI, and searched for "x-frame" - nothing apparently relevant in either.

No mod_security or other plugins that should be injecting this on this server that I see.

Yet curl verifies the following HTTP header no matter what I do:

X-Frame-Options: DENY

Is there some, maybe oddly named setting somewhere that could still be forcing this header in?

like image 310
Corey Avatar asked Oct 16 '15 13:10


People also ask

How do I enable X-Frame-options in PHP?

There are three options available to set with X-Frame-Options: 'SAMEORIGIN' – With this setting, you can embed pages on same origin. For example, add iframe of a page to site itself. 'ALLOW-FROM uri – Use this setting to allow specific origin (website/domain) to embed pages of your site in iframe.

How do I get rid of X Frame option policy?

You can remove the HTTP header X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN from WordPress by removing the send_frame_options_header function from the admin_init and login_init hooks.

1 Answers

Consider the following experiment:

Header always set X-Frame-Options "DENY"
Header unset X-Frame-Options
Header set set X-Frame-Options "TEST"

response headers:

X-Frame-Options "DENY"
X-Frame-Options "TEST"

Second experiment:

Header set X-Frame-Options "DENY"
Header unset X-Frame-Options
Header set set X-Frame-Options "TEST"

response headers:

X-Frame-Options "TEST"

Conclusion: the always option blocks the original value from being unset, however it doesn't block from adding a new value.

like image 60
8ctopus Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 00:10
