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(not set) is showing on Firebase Analytics dashboard

I want a support on Firebase Analytics Dashboard. I register events with screen name of my iOS and Android app and these values are informations showing correctly on Firebase Dashboard. But an extra parameter is also showing in using "(not set)" with frequently updated values.

Can anyone tell me the actual reason why this is showing? enter image description here

like image 585
Shobhit Agrawal Avatar asked Oct 18 '18 10:10

Shobhit Agrawal

1 Answers

After some analysis in our project, it seems like it is because we are trying to log anything other than strings or numbers (in our case boolean).

Based on this view it seems like Firebase only allows Strings or Numbers:

Adding a new parameter to an event (Adding a new parameter to an event)

It seems, though, as "Numbers" means more than just int, based on this screenshot with double and long:

Suggestion from Firebase to events to add, and example code (Suggestion from Firebase to events to add, and example code)

This is how we do it in the (Android) code: Android code of logging event Android Studio does not complain since its using a regular Bundle which allows to set booleans and other kinds of types.

And this is how it looks in Firebase Analytics: Showing (not set) in Firebase

A simple fix will be to just do:

bundle.putString(YOUR_KEY, String.valueOf(yourBoolean));

A better fix will probably be to make better or more useful tracking events, using strings or numbers.

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Otziii Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 09:11
