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Not closing the database with Flutter's SQFlite?

I'm trying to understand database operations using the SQFlite plugin for Flutter. In the usage recommendation docs, the author says:

The API is largely inspired from Android ContentProvider where a typical SQLite implementation means opening the database once on the first request and keeping it open.

Personally I have one global reference Database in my Flutter application to avoid lock issues. Opening the database should be safe if called multiple times.

Keeping a reference only in a widget can cause issues with hot reload if the reference is lost (and the database not closed yet).

Does this mean I make a singleton class (like here) that opens a database connection and then I never close it? That is, I never do this:

await database.close();

I've run into concurrency issues in the past with Android SQLite (as described here) so I generally used a content provider to get around that. However, I was just using it without really understanding what the content provider was doing behind the scenes. Does keeping around a single connection to the database do the same thing? Do I need to close the DB when the app exits? This user seems to think that it doesn't matter.

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Suragch Avatar asked Jan 05 '19 18:01


People also ask

Do you need to close SQLite connection?

with conn and with sqlite3. connect(db_filename) as conn are same, so using either will still keep the connection alive. with statement does not create a new scope, hence all the variables created inside the suite of with will be accessible outside it. Finally, you should close the connection manually.

How do I close a SQLite database?

close( conn ) closes the SQLite connection by using the MATLAB® interface to SQLite. The SQLite connection object remains open until you close it using the close function. Always close this object when you finish using it.

What is Sqflite database in flutter?

SQFlite is a plugin in flutter which is used to store the data. In SQFlite we perform many operations like create, delete, update, etc. This operation is called CRUD Operations. Using this we can easily store the data in a local database.

How do you use Sqflite?

Open the database This involves two steps: Define the path to the database file using getDatabasesPath() from the sqflite package, combined with the join function from the path package. Open the database with the openDatabase() function from sqflite .

1 Answers

I'm not closing the database and I haven't ran in to any issues, however it is always best practise to close all not needed DB connections.

You can initialise the DB by overriding onInitState() where you can call you function creating the DB, and close by overriding onDispose() where you can call db.close()

Alternatively, you can open/close connection for every query but that would add extra processing overhead and there is no need for it, especially if you're making frequent DB calls.

For more detailed information you can refer to this post: https://medium.com/@greg.perry/flutter-and-sqlite-f72878bc5859

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Jeremi Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09
