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Not all values objects can be viewed with XCode Watch and Debug console

For example, for some reason in initWithNibName:bundle: I can't see the value of self.view.bounds.size.width, have to stop the program and use NSLog. When I type self.view.bounds.size.width into the watch, I get "Enter expression" message on the right. When I type print self.view.bounds.size.width into the debug console, I get the following errors:

error: unsupported expression with unknown type
error: 1 errors parsing expression

Is there any way to see ALL the values I can see using NSLog?

EDIT: By @Abizern's suggestion tried p self.view.bounds.size.width and po self.view.bounds.size.width - same result.

like image 205
Sergey Avatar asked Sep 17 '13 11:09


1 Answers


p self.view.bounds.size.width

or alternatively:

po self.view 

p is a simple print which works for values

po is for print object which essentially give the same result as an NSLog

like image 141
Abizern Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 19:09
