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Not able to make xmpp connection between my app server and GCM's CCS using XMPPHP library

Like push-notification(downstream message), I want to implement upstream messaging from my android device to my app server in php.

I am using this XMPPHP library from Github to connect my app server to GCM's CCS. But when I try to execute below code to connect GCM's CCS:

include 'XMPPHP/XMPP.php';
$conn = new XMPPHP_XMPP('gcm-preprod.googleapis.com', 5236, '<myProjectId>@gcm.googleapis.com', '<myApiKey>', 'xmpphp', 'http://myserverdomain', $printlog=true, $loglevel=XMPPHP_Log::LEVEL_INFO);
$vcard_request = array();
try {

I am getting following error.

1455354076 [INFO]: Connecting to tls://gcm-preprod.googleapis.com:5236 1455354106 [ERROR]: Could not connect. Could not connect before timeout.
like image 385
Chaman Saini Avatar asked Feb 13 '16 17:02

Chaman Saini

1 Answers

This is most probably caused by the fact that CCS doesn't currently support the STARTTLS extension. I had the sampe problem with elixir and hedwig (see here).

Sadly I don't have enough php knowledge to check whether your XMPP library supports this, but maybe this SO thread can help you to get started with CCS and PHP.

like image 143
Andreas Wenger Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 19:10

Andreas Wenger