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Not able to build war in maven project

Couple of issues :In for my maven project in Eclipse Run as -- Run on Server is not coming. 2)So i want to run in directly in tomcat server ,wo when i try to create war the following error is coming up .please help me out , i have my web.xml in the specified path only

   Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-war-plugin:2.1.1:war (default-war)
 on project SchoolMgmtApp: The specified web.xml file 
'F:\WorkSpace\SchoolMgmtApp\src\main\webapp\WEB-INF\web.xml' does not exist -
like image 609
Renukeswar Chinta Avatar asked Feb 18 '12 06:02

Renukeswar Chinta

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How do I create a war file in Maven?

Using the mvn:war:exploded command, we can generate the exploded WAR as a directory inside the target directory. This is a normal directory, and all the files inside the WAR file are contained inside the exploded WAR directory.

How to activate a Maven build profile?

Profiles can be activated in the Maven settings, via the <activeProfiles> section. This section takes a list of <activeProfile> elements, each containing a profile-id inside. Profiles listed in the <activeProfiles> tag would be activated by default every time a project use it.

2 Answers

I think the error is self-explaining. You have no web.xml in your project. Is this intended? In theory you can have a WAR file without a web.xml file as Servlet 3.0 supports this kind of deployments. In this case you have to configure the maven-war-plugin like this:

like image 97
chkal Avatar answered Nov 27 '22 22:11


Your web.xml may not be in a standard location. Some Eclipse project creation wizards put web.xml in WebContent/WEB_INF. In this case you can rearrange the project so that maven likes it, or you can tell maven where to find your web.xml in the pom.xml.

like image 23
Michael Munsey Avatar answered Nov 27 '22 22:11

Michael Munsey