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Normalise orientation between 0 and 360





I'm working on a simple rotate routine which normalizes an objects rotation between 0 and 360 degrees. My C# code seems to be working but I'm not entirely happy with it. Can anyone improve on the code below making it a bit more robust?

public void Rotate(int degrees)     {         this.orientation += degrees;          if (this.orientation < 0)         {             while (this.orientation < 0)             {                 this.orientation += 360;             }         }         else if (this.orientation >= 360)         {             while (this.orientation >= 360)             {                 this.orientation -= 360;             }         }     } 
like image 415
JuniorDeveloper Avatar asked Oct 27 '09 02:10


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2 Answers

Use modulo arithmetic:

this.orientation += degrees;  this.orientation = this.orientation % 360;  if (this.orientation < 0) {     this.orientation += 360; } 
like image 149
tvanfosson Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 14:10


This is one that normalizes to any range. Useful for normalizing between [-180,180], [0,180] or [0,360].

( it's in C++ though )

// Normalizes any number to an arbitrary range  // by assuming the range wraps around when going below min or above max  double normalize( const double value, const double start, const double end )  {   const double width       = end - start   ;   //    const double offsetValue = value - start ;   // value relative to 0    return ( offsetValue - ( floor( offsetValue / width ) * width ) ) + start ;   // + start to reset back to start of original range } 

For ints

// Normalizes any number to an arbitrary range  // by assuming the range wraps around when going below min or above max  int normalize( const int value, const int start, const int end )  {   const int width       = end - start   ;   //    const int offsetValue = value - start ;   // value relative to 0    return ( offsetValue - ( ( offsetValue / width ) * width ) ) + start ;   // + start to reset back to start of original range } 

So basically the same but without the floor. The version I personally use is a generic one that works for all numeric types and it also uses a redefined floor that does nothing in case of integral types.

like image 30
QBziZ Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 16:10