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Noise Estimation / Noise Measurement in Image


I want to estimate the noise in an image.

Let's assume the model of an Image + White Noise. Now I want to estimate the Noise Variance.

My method is to calculate the Local Variance (3*3 up to 21*21 Blocks) of the image and then find areas where the Local Variance is fairly constant (By calculating the Local Variance of the Local Variance Matrix). I assume those areas are "Flat" hence the Variance is almost "Pure" noise.

Yet I don't get constant results.

Is there a better way?


P.S. I can't assume anything about the Image but the independent noise (Which isn't true for real image yet let's assume it).

like image 252
Royi Avatar asked Mar 13 '10 23:03


People also ask

How do you estimate noise in an image?

Noise is typically measured as RMS (Root Mean Square) noise, which is identical to the standard deviation of the flat patch signal S. RMS\ Noise = \sigma(S), where σ denotes the standard deviation. RMS is used because Noise\ Power = (RMS\ Noise)^2.

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Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is used in imaging to characterize image quality. The sensitivity of a (digital or film) imaging system is typically described in the terms of the signal level that yields a threshold level of SNR.

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2 Answers

You can use the following method to estimate the noise variance (this implementation works for grayscale images only):

def estimate_noise(I):    H, W = I.shape    M = [[1, -2, 1],        [-2, 4, -2],        [1, -2, 1]]    sigma = np.sum(np.sum(np.absolute(convolve2d(I, M))))   sigma = sigma * math.sqrt(0.5 * math.pi) / (6 * (W-2) * (H-2))    return sigma 

Reference: J. Immerkær, “Fast Noise Variance Estimation”, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 64, No. 2, pp. 300-302, Sep. 1996 [PDF]

like image 133
user2398029 Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 06:10


The problem of characterizing signal from noise is not easy. From your question, a first try would be to characterize second order statistics: natural images are known to have pixel to pixel correlations that are -by definition- not present in white noise.

In Fourier space the correlation corresponds to the energy spectrum. It is known that for natural images, it decreases as 1/f^2 . To quantify noise, I would therefore recommend to compute the correlation coefficient of the spectrum of your image with both hypothesis (flat and 1/f^2), so that you extract the coefficient.

Some functions to start you up:

import numpy def get_grids(N_X, N_Y):     from numpy import mgrid     return mgrid[-1:1:1j*N_X, -1:1:1j*N_Y]  def frequency_radius(fx, fy):     R2 = fx**2 + fy**2     (N_X, N_Y) = fx.shape     R2[N_X/2, N_Y/2]= numpy.inf      return numpy.sqrt(R2)  def enveloppe_color(fx, fy, alpha=1.0):     # 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 are resp. white, pink, red, brown noise     # (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1/f_noise )     # enveloppe     return 1. / frequency_radius(fx, fy)**alpha #  import scipy image = scipy.lena() N_X, N_Y = image.shape fx, fy = get_grids(N_X, N_Y) pink_spectrum = enveloppe_color(fx, fy)  from scipy.fftpack import fft2 power_spectrum = numpy.abs(fft2(image))**2 

I recommend this wonderful paper for more details.

like image 29
meduz Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 04:10
