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nodemon - restart on changes to json files



I'm using 'nodemon' to restart node on file changes. However it doesn't seem to trigger when json files have changed. Anyone know if there is a way to set this up?

Also, is there a programmatic way to restart from within the running app itself? I suppose running it with 'forever' and throwing an error would do it. Any pointers much appreciated

like image 656
Chin Avatar asked Apr 18 '12 11:04


2 Answers

You can specify nodeman configs within package.json file also

"nodemonConfig": {
    "ext": "js, ts, graphql, json"
like image 167
Shaik Matheen Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 16:09

Shaik Matheen

Marciej's approach worked for me:

nodemon -e js,html

You can also configure this in a nodemon.json config file. Here's how we're currently using it:

    "execMap": {
        "js": "node --harmony"
    "script": "server.js",
    "ext": "js html"
like image 40
Kevin Leary Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 16:09

Kevin Leary