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Node.JS/Javascript - casting string to integer is returning NaN when I wouldn't expect it to

This is all in the context of a larger program, so Im going to try keep it simple, showing the offending lines only. I have an array of values that are numbers in string form a la "84", "32", etc.

Yet THIS line

console.log(unsolved.length + " " + unsolved[0] + " " + parseInt(unsolved[0]) + " " + parseInt("84"));


4 "84" NaN 84

"84" is the array element Im trying to parseInt! Yet it won't work unless I take it out of the context of an array and have it explicitly written. What's going on?

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PinkElephantsOnParade Avatar asked Jun 20 '12 13:06


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NaN , which stands for "Not a Number", is a value that JavaScript returns from certain functions and operations when the result should be a number, but the result is not defined or not representable as a number. For example: parseInt() returns NaN if parsing failed: parseInt('bad', 10) Math.

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How do I convert a string to a number in node?

You can convert a string to a number in Node. js using any of these three methods: Number() , parseInt() , or parseFloat() .

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1 Answers

You can try removing the quotations from the string to be processed using this function:

function stripAlphaChars(source) { 
  var out = source.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''); 

  return out; 

Also you should explicitly specify that you want to parse a base 10 number:

parseInt(unsolved[0], 10);
like image 114
Alex W Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 06:10

Alex W