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Node.js request module getting ETIMEDOUT and ESOCKETTIMEDOUT

I'm crawling a lot of links with the request module in parallel with combination of the async module.
I'm noticing alot of ETIMEDOUT and ESOCKETTIMEDOUT errors although the links are reachable and respond fairly quickly using chrome.

I've limit the maxSockets to 2 and the timeout to 10000 in the request options. I'm using async.filterLimit() with a limit of 2 to even cut down the parallelism to 2 request each time. So I have 2 sockets, 2 request, and a timeout of 10 seconds to wait for headers response from the server yet I get these errors.

Here;s request configuration I use:

{     ...     pool: {         maxSockets: 2     },     timeout: 10000     ,     time: true     ... } 

Here's the snippet of code I use to fecth links:

var self = this; async.filterLimit(resources, 2, function(resource, callback) {     request({         uri: resource.uri     }, function (error, response, body) {         if (!error && response.statusCode === 200) {             ...         } else {             self.emit('error', resource, error);         }         callback(...);     }) }, function(result) {     callback(null, result); }); 

I listened to the error event and I see whenever the error code is ETIMEDOUT the connect object is either true/false so sometimes it's a connection timeout and sometimes it's not (according to request docs)

UPDATE: I decided to boost up the maxSockets to Infinity so no connection will be hangup due to lack of available sockets:

pool: {     maxSockets: Infinity } 

In-order to control the bandwidth I implemented a requestLoop method that handle the request with a maxAttemps and retryDelay parameters to control the requests:

async.filterLimit(resources, 10, function(resource, callback) {     self.requestLoop({         uri: resource.uri     }, 100, 5000, function (error, response, body) {             var fetched = false;             if (!error) {                 ...             } else {                 ....             }             callback(...);         }); }, function(result) {     callback(null, result); }); 

Implementation of requestLoop:

requestLoop = function(options, attemptsLeft, retryDelay, callback, lastError) {     var self = this;     if (attemptsLeft <= 0) {         callback((lastError != null ? lastError : new Error('...')));     } else {         request(options, function (error, response, body) {             var recoverableErrors = ['ESOCKETTIMEDOUT', 'ETIMEDOUT', 'ECONNRESET', 'ECONNREFUSED'];             var e;             if ((error && _.contains(recoverableErrors, error.code)) || (response && (500 <= response.statusCode && response.statusCode < 600))) {                 e = error ? new Error('...');                 e.code = error ? error.code : response.statusCode;                 setTimeout((function () {                     self.requestLoop(options, --attemptsLeft, retryDelay, callback, e);                 }), retryDelay);             } else if (!error && (200 <= response.statusCode && response.statusCode < 300)) {                 callback(null, response, body);             } else if (error) {                 e = new Error('...');                 e.code = error.code;                 callback(e);             } else {                 e = new Error('...');                 e.code = response.statusCode;                 callback(e);             }         });     } }; 

So this to sum it up: - Boosted maxSockets to Infinity to try overcome timeout error of sockets connection - Implemnted requestLoop method to control failed request and maxAttemps as well as retryDelay of such requests - Also there's maxium number of concurrent request set by the number passed to async.filterLimit

I want to note that I've also played with the settings of everything here in-order to get errors free crawling but so far attempts failed as-well.

Still looking for help about solving this problem.

UPDATE2: I've decided to drop async.filterLimit and make my own limit mechanism. I just have 3 variables to help me achieve this:
pendingRequests - a request array which will hold all requests (will explain later) activeRequests - number of active requests maxConcurrentRequests - number of maximum allowed concurrent requests

into the pendingRequests array, i push a complex object containing a reference to the requestLoop function as well as arguments array containing the arguments to be passed to the loop function:

self.pendingRequests.push({     "arguments": [{         uri: resource.uri.toString()     }, self.maxAttempts, function (error, response, body) {         if (!error) {             if (self.policyChecker.isMimeTypeAllowed((response.headers['content-type'] || '').split(';')[0]) &&                 self.policyChecker.isFileSizeAllowed(body)) {                 self.totalBytesFetched += body.length;                 resource.content = self.decodeBuffer(body, response.headers["content-type"] || '', resource);                 callback(null, resource);             } else {                 self.fetchedUris.splice(self.fetchedUris.indexOf(resource.uri.toString()), 1);                 callback(new Error('Fetch failed because a mime-type is not allowed or file size is bigger than permited'));             }         } else {             self.fetchedUris.splice(self.fetchedUris.indexOf(resource.uri.toString()), 1);             callback(error);         }         self.activeRequests--;         self.runRequest();     }],     "function": self.requestLoop }); self.runRequest(); 

You'' notice the call to runRequest() at the end. This function job is to manage the requests and fire requests when it can while keeping the maximum activeRequests under the limit of maxConcurrentRequests:

var self = this; process.nextTick(function() {     var next;     if (!self.pendingRequests.length || self.activeRequests >= self.maxConcurrentRequests) {         return;     }     self.activeRequests++;     next = self.pendingRequests.shift();     next["function"].apply(self, next["arguments"]);     self.runRequest(); }); 

This should solve any Timeouts errors, through my testings tho, I've still noticed some timeouts in specific websites I've tested this on. I can't be 100% sure about this, but I'm thinking it's due to the nature of the website backing http-server limiting a user requests to a maximum by doing an ip-checking and as a result returning some HTTP 400 messages to prevent a possible 'attack' on the server.

like image 222
Jorayen Avatar asked Feb 14 '16 01:02


People also ask

What does Esockettimedout mean?

ESOCKETTIMEDOUT means network timeout, you know that is a common problem when dealing with request/response so you should have handled the error in callback by yourself. All reactions.

How do you handle Etimedout?

In the handler you can check if the error is ETIMEDOUT and apply your own logic: if (err. message. code === 'ETIMEDOUT') { /* apply logic */ } . If you want to request for the file again, I suggest using node-retry or node-backoff modules.

How does node js handle concurrent requests?

How NodeJS handle multiple client requests? NodeJS receives multiple client requests and places them into EventQueue. NodeJS is built with the concept of event-driven architecture. NodeJS has its own EventLoop which is an infinite loop that receives requests and processes them.

Is request module deprecated?

Request isn't really deprecated. It's no longer considering new features or breaking changes, but it is still being maintained. It's safe to use for the foreseeable future, but how good an idea it is to use it is up to the developer.

2 Answers

Edit: duplicate of https://stackoverflow.com/a/37946324/744276

By default, Node has 4 workers to resolve DNS queries. If your DNS query takes long-ish time, requests will block on the DNS phase, and the symptom is exactly ESOCKETTIMEDOUT or ETIMEDOUT.

Try increasing your uv thread pool size:

export UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE=128 node ... 

or in index.js (or wherever your entry point is):

#!/usr/bin/env node process.env.UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE = 128;  function main() {    ... } 

Edit 1: I also wrote a blog post about it.

Edit 2: if queries are non-unique, you may want to use a cache, like nscd.

like image 166
Motiejus Jakštys Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 09:09

Motiejus Jakštys

I found if there are too many async requests, then ESOCKETTIMEDOUT exception happens in linux. The workaround I've found is doing this:

setting this options to request(): agent: false, pool: {maxSockets: 100} Notice that after that, the timeout can be lying so you might need to increase it.

like image 36
cancerbero Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 08:09
