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node.js mysql pool connection with async/ await

Is there a way to use pool.getConnection() taken from the mysqljs/mysql lib with the async/ await syntax?

The idea is to have a method which returns one connection which can be passed around amongst write queries with various foreign key constraints (sequential queries) before releasing it and at the same time potentially get further connections from the pool for the purpose of various read queries (parallel).

like image 325
Schmalitz Avatar asked Feb 05 '18 16:02


People also ask

How use async and await in node JS MySQL?

Using async/await with MySQL But it works the same, so both the query() and close() functions return a promise. As you can see, the callback parameter is expected to be a function returning a promise. Here we use the async keyword with an arrow function to easily create an asynchronous callback function.

How do I create a MySQL connection pool in node JS?

Nodejs MySQL Integration: Pool Connectionsvar pool = mysql. createPool({ connectionLimit: 7, host: 'localhost', user: 'root', password: '', database: 'todoapp' });

Can I use async await in node JS?

Async functions are available natively in Node and are denoted by the async keyword in their declaration. They always return a promise, even if you don't explicitly write them to do so. Also, the await keyword is only available inside async functions at the moment – it cannot be used in the global scope.

Is MySQL query asynchronous?

Any MySQL client that supports the X Protocol can provide asynchronous execution, either using callbacks, Promises, or by explicitly waiting on a specific result at the moment in time when it is actually needed.

1 Answers

Share my working example:

I use this Promisified MySQL middleware for Node.js

read this article Create a MySQL Database Middleware with Node.js 8 and Async/Await

here is my database.js

var mysql = require('mysql'); 

// node -v must > 8.x 
var util = require('util');

//  !!!!! for node version < 8.x only  !!!!!
// npm install util.promisify
// -v < 8.x  has problem with async await so upgrade -v to v9.6.1 for this to work. 

// connection pool https://github.com/mysqljs/mysql   [1]
var pool = mysql.createPool({
  connectionLimit : process.env.mysql_connection_pool_Limit, // default:10
  host     : process.env.mysql_host,
  user     : process.env.mysql_user,
  password : process.env.mysql_password,
  database : process.env.mysql_database

// Ping database to check for common exception errors.
pool.getConnection((err, connection) => {
if (err) {
    if (err.code === 'PROTOCOL_CONNECTION_LOST') {
        console.error('Database connection was closed.')
    if (err.code === 'ER_CON_COUNT_ERROR') {
        console.error('Database has too many connections.')
    if (err.code === 'ECONNREFUSED') {
        console.error('Database connection was refused.')

if (connection) connection.release()


// Promisify for Node.js async/await.
 pool.query = util.promisify(pool.query)

 module.exports = pool

You must upgrade node -v > 8.x

you must use async function to be able to use await.


   var pool = require('./database')

  // node -v must > 8.x, --> async / await  
  router.get('/:template', async function(req, res, next) 
    try {
         var _sql_rest_url = 'SELECT * FROM arcgis_viewer.rest_url WHERE id='+ _url_id;
         var rows = await pool.query(_sql_rest_url)

         _url  = rows[0].rest_url // first record, property name is 'rest_url'
         if (_center_lat   == null) {_center_lat = rows[0].center_lat  }
         if (_center_long  == null) {_center_long= rows[0].center_long }
         if (_center_zoom  == null) {_center_zoom= rows[0].center_zoom }          
         _place = rows[0].place

       } catch(err) {
                        throw new Error(err)
like image 170
hoogw Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 10:09
