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Node.js - Monitoring a database for changes



I am using a node.js server to create a 'close to real-time' socket between my web app and a database. Currently I am using MySQL which I am polling every second in node to check if there are any changes to the table (based on a timestamp.)

I was wondering if there any specific techniques to doing something like this with MySQL? At the moment, I am just running a SQL query and using setTimeout before the next poll.

I know it's more common to use a NoSQL database in instances like this but I'm not really comfortable with the technology and I'd much rather use SQL.

Does anyone have any experience or tips for monitoring a SQL database with node?

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Hanpan Avatar asked May 26 '11 22:05


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1 Answers

I wouldn't personally use a polling mechanism for this. I think this is a pretty good use case for a pub/sub mq as a component on top of the database that allows consumers to subscribe to specific channels for change events on entities that they care about.


  1. Someone requests that a model be changed
  2. Model broadcasts change event
  3. Queue up change to be persisted in the database
  4. Fire off a change set on a specific channel in a message queue for distribution to all interested parties

You can use a very simple in process pub/sub mechanism for this type of thing using nodes EventEmitter, and as you need to scale, have durability requirements, or need a cross language MQ you can go to a technology like rabbitmq, zeromq, etc. I've started to implement something very lightweight to do just this in one of my applications: https://github.com/jmoyers/mettle/blob/master/src/pubsub.coffee

It boils down to something like:

pubsub.sub('users.*', function(updates){
    // Interested party handles updates for user objects

That way you aren't putting stupid polling pressure on your database. In fact, change distribution is completely independent of writing to your database


like image 152
Josh Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 16:10
